歐洲歌唱大賽 Eurovision Song Contest Malmö 2024 討論區

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2024-05-11 01:29:53
2024-05-11 03:00:32
2024-05-11 05:02:49
2024-05-11 06:40:26
2024-05-11 08:39:06
完全冇提過係broadcaster有問題 好明顯係針對國家
咁冇嘢講了 真雙重標準
2024-05-11 10:47:46
2024-05-11 15:04:49
Swedish Police Takes Over The Joost Klein Case!
By Ervin Juhász Last updated May 11, 2024

As we reported earlier today, the Dutch Eurovision entrant Joost Klein was stopped from performing in the first dress rehearsal of the Eurovision 2024 Grand Final, and was not allowed to perform in the ongoing Jury Final either. He had a physical confrontation with a Swedish photographer earlier today, and now the Swedish police has taken over the case to investigate if a crime has happened.

The Swedish Police have visited the Malmö Arena, and they are questioning ‘the people involved’ around the incident to determine whether a crime has occurred. It is not known which are all the delegations and which are all the people being questioned.

Joost Klein remains absolutely quiet, and he did not answer any questions when he was spotted by a Swedish journalist in his hotel. The Dutch broadcaster AVROTROS was initially quiet as well, but a spokesperson announced around 20:30:

The investigation has not yet been completed. That means that Joost is not allowed to rehearse tonight because of the EBU. AvroTros is in continuous discussions with the EBU. The professional jury assesses the 2nd Semi Final performance.

There is a lot of speculation on social media about what could have happened. Both SVT and Aftonbladet published that it was a physical confrontation between Joost and a Swedish photographer, and in the meantime Joost Klein deleted all of his recent Eurovision videos in Stories.

The Police should come back soon with the results of their investigation, and probably based on that and together with the EBU, the Final decision on whether the Netherlands will compete in the Grand Final or not.

Stay tuned to ESCBubble for more news on this.
2024-05-11 17:07:42
2024-05-11 17:34:04

根據規定,從週五歐洲中部夏令時間 21:00 開始,這些國家的觀眾可以在 24 小時內投票。



2024-05-11 17:40:13
”Incident” utreds kring nederländske artisten Joost Klein
Joost Klein, Nederländernas representant i Eurovision song contest, deltog inte under genrepen på fredagen. Det ska handla om en ”incident” rörande artisten, enligt EBU.

På lördagsmorgonen bekräftar polisen att en man är misstänkt för olaga hot.

Nederländernas representant i Eurovision, Joost Klein, deltog inte under hela genrepet på fredagseftermiddagen. Han var med i den inledande flaggparaden men när det var hans tur att sjunga så hoppade de över hans bidrag. Landet medverkade inte heller under kvällens genrep.

Enligt uppgifter till SVT ska det ha uppstått en fysisk konfrontation mellan artisten och en fotograf.

Eurovision song contest 2024
Eurovisionscen med en artist på scen och Mari-Helen i Kiruna
Undersökning: Lågt intresse för Eurovision i Norrbotten
Här invigs ”Gazarondellen” i Malmö
Malmöbor bytte namn – ”Knarkrondellen” blev ”Gazarondellen”
EBU: ”En incident”
I ett uttalande från EBU om den nederländske artistens frånvaro skriver de:

”Vi undersöker för närvarande en incident som rapporterats till oss och som involverar den nederländske artisten. Han kommer inte att repetera tills vidare. Vi har inga ytterligare kommentarer just nu och kommer att uppdatera i sinom tid.”

Malmöpolisen var på plats under fredagskvällen och höll förhör med den misstänkta, målsäganden och vittnen.

– Vi har en man som är misstänkt för olaga hot. Det misstänkta brotten ska ha begåtts på Malmö arena under torsdagskvällen, säger Pelle Vamstad, presstalesperson på polisen på lördagsmorgonen.

Mannen är inte frihetsberövad. Polisen vill inte svara på om personen är den nederländska artisten Joost Klein. Målsäganden är en medarbetare på ESC.

Markerade under presskonferens
Under presskonferensen efter semifinalen markerade Joost Klein mot israeliska artisten Eden Golan.

En journalist frågade den israeliska artisten:

– Har du någonsin tänkt på att du genom att vara här utgör en risk och fara för andra artister och för allmänheten?

När presskonferensens värd, den svenska journalisten Jovan Radomir, bröt in och sa att Eden inte behövde svara på frågan sa Joost Klein:

– Varför inte?

Juryn får gå efter tidigare framträdande
Det är utefter kvällens genrep som de 37 ländernas jurygrupper sätter sina poäng. Jurygrupperna står för hälften av poängen under finalen. Enligt EBU kommer Kleins framträdande under semifinal 2 att användas istället.

SVT har sökt Nederländernas delegation.

2024-05-11 17:40:53
"Incident" is investigated around the Dutch artist Joost Klein
Joost Klein, the Netherlands' representative in the Eurovision song contest, did not participate during the genre break on Friday. It should be about an "incident" concerning the artist, according to the EBU.

On Saturday morning, the police confirm that a man is suspected of unlawful threats.

The Netherlands' representative in Eurovision, Joost Klein, did not participate during the entire genre rep on Friday afternoon. He was in the opening flag parade but when it was his turn to sing, they skipped his contribution. The country also did not participate during the evening's rehearsal.

According to information to SVT, a physical confrontation must have occurred between the artist and a photographer.

Eurovision Song Contest 2024
Eurovision scene with an artist on stage and Mari-Helen in Kiruna
Survey: Low interest in Eurovision in Norrbotten
The "Gazarondellen" in Malmö is inaugurated here
Malmö residents changed their name - "Knarkrondellen" became "Gazarondellen"
EBU: "An incident"
In a statement from the EBU about the Dutch artist's absence, they write:

“We are currently investigating an incident reported to us involving the Dutch artist. He will not rehearse for the time being. We have no further comment at this time and will update in due course.”

The Malmö police were on site during Friday evening and interviewed the suspect, plaintiff and witnesses.

- We have a man who is suspected of unlawful threats. The suspected crime must have been committed at the Malmö arena during Thursday evening, says Pelle Vamstad, press spokesperson for the police on Saturday morning.

The man is not deprived of his liberty. The police do not want to answer whether the person is the Dutch artist Joost Klein. The plaintiff is an employee at ESC.

Highlighted during press conference
During the press conference after the semi-final, Joost Klein marked against Israeli artist Eden Golan.

A journalist asked the Israeli artist:

- Have you ever considered that by being here you pose a risk and danger to other artists and to the public?

When the host of the press conference, the Swedish journalist Jovan Radomir, broke in and said that Eden did not have to answer the question, Joost Klein said:

- Why not?

The jury may go by previous performance
It is according to the evening's rehearsal that the 37 countries' jury groups set their scores. The jury groups account for half of the points during the final. According to the EBU, Klein's performance during semi-final 2 will be used instead.

SVT has applied for the Netherlands' delegation.
2024-05-11 18:32:24
2024-05-11 18:33:20
2024-05-11 18:36:20
The Dutch artist Joost Klein has been disqualified from the Eurovision Song Contest after a backstage incident.

The performer has been sent home after an allegation of intimidation was made to Swedish police by a female member of the production crew.

In a statement, the contest organisers said "it would not be appropriate for him to continue in the contest" while the legal process takes place.

Klein had been among the favourites to win with his song, Europapa.
2024-05-11 18:36:23
2024-05-11 18:44:57
2024-05-11 18:47:08
之前講係Joost Klein同個瑞典攝影師肢體衝突
2024-05-11 18:47:57
2024-05-11 18:53:39
2024-05-11 19:14:28
得罪講句 咁搞Joost個知名度隨時近年最大
2024-05-11 19:18:04
係打職員荷蘭官方即割啦 而家都仲死攬好明顯只係口頭 隨時只係爆粗
2024-05-11 19:26:54
Organisers stressed that "contrary to some media reports and social media speculation, this incident did not involve any other performer or delegation member".
2024-05-11 21:16:34
Btw 聽講班評審唔鍾意克羅地亞,但佢地明明就咁正咁有渲染力
2024-05-11 21:28:22
以色列Televotes odd 過咗50%
2024-05-11 21:36:46
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞