返工喺office每日都要打電話同埋同同事small talk
星期一五都係傾how’s your weekend/ what’s your plan for the weekend
其他時候都係傾下天氣同埋lunch 諗住食咩
大家唔同宗教背景,例如有同事淨係食Halal 雞肉,但M記無提供,所以佢唔會去
另外會問下佢地 Whereabouts are you living 同埋有無去過亞洲之類
最愛潤五月2023-08-03 06:30:19
24人共用帳戶2023-08-03 06:31:09
去睇gp前 睇牙醫前 etc 都會咁用,會學得好快,有時有野唔明即刻問佢會解釋到。有時人地email or text有句子 confusion copy and past 叫chatgpt explain 會解釋同埋 clarify rewrite比你:
for eg 個鬼佬 text講: “I presume you’re getting the train in? Maybe aim for 9:30/10am so you miss the commuter trains?"
Q: some one said this to me, what does he mean? "I presume you’re getting the train in? Maybe aim for 9:30/10am so you miss the commuter trains?"
A: The person is asking about your travel plans and suggesting that you take the train at a specific time to avoid the rush hour. Let's break down the statement:
"I presume you're getting the train in?" - The person is assuming that you will be using the train for your travel.
"Maybe aim for 9:30/10 am" - They are suggesting that you consider taking the train at either 9:30 am or 10 am.
"so you miss the commuter trains?" - The reason for suggesting these times is to avoid the peak commuter hours when trains are typically more crowded and hectic.
In summary, the person is recommending that you travel around 9:30 am or 10 am to avoid the busy rush hour on the commuter trains, making your journey more comfortable and less crowded.
一隻長頸鹿2023-08-03 06:31:33
岩岩返咗工一個月 份工有時要聽電話
聽唔明對方講咩 真係令人好挫敗
並不是機器人2023-08-03 06:31:52
我見過一個本土長大嘅越南裔人 (cockney accent) 一句簡單話 what do you mean? 搞到個德國口音嘅白人尷尷尬尬咁講多次,不過由於係高度專業嘅工作討論,所以問題唔大
即係個情況你喺香港返工遇到 technical 之間講廣東話都係唔太明,唔多關語言事而係件事本身複雜難明,總之講唔明喺西方就講嗰個責任去講清楚