入黎傾下岩岩移英既你 點overcome language barrier

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2023-08-03 05:58:41
想問下你聽到佢地背後笑人係點聽到的?同一間房include埋你唔介意你聽到?如果係咁即係你meet到佢地expectation 應該高興先係我覺得個種笑係賤不過感覺係為賤而賤,香港個種笑你想打擊人挑剔人根本你惡意中傷,連登勁多認字特警係呢個心態。想講多樣野,你有心 解釋 再講一次 講到佢地明 佢地會appreciate,好多英國人淨係識講英文,只係識講英文又識普通話仲識全球數一數二難既廣東話又睇得明漢字其實佢會覺得你好勁,你可以同8成地球人溝通到

同意你講最後講個樣,一黎到英國講英文講好多 complex sentense structure,speaking會濫用conjuction。 人地會“???sorry, can you say that again?” 句野係冇錯但學術討論mode先會用,日常唔多用。同埋真係唔好用深字,個腦有深字都譯返做普通字先講,因為如果隻字唔多用人地有係會唔慣 同埋唔常用既深字 可能佢地對隻字既理解唔同 可能人地特定情境先用而你唔知 用左人地會confused。我會多d聽佢地講野睇下咩陌生字佢地常用就抄黎用。for eg. 岩岩黎到個陣學左“vibe”呢隻字,聽講近呢5-10年d人先開始用。學就係學呢d字
2023-08-03 05:58:56

2023-08-03 05:59:27
2023-08-03 06:04:13
呢個年代用 chatgpt 啦,例如你去haircut之前問chatgpt: give me all the vocabulary to use in a barber:

Sure! Here is a list of common vocabulary used in a barber shop:

1. Barber: The professional hairstylist who cuts and styles hair.

2. Client/Customer: The person receiving the haircut or other grooming services.

3. Haircut: The process of trimming or cutting hair to a desired length and style.

4. Hairstyle: The specific way hair is cut and styled.

5. Clippers: Electric hair cutting tools used to trim hair.

6. Scissors: Traditional cutting tools used for precise cutting and styling.

7. Comb: Used to detangle and section the hair during the cutting process.

8. Razor: Used for close shaves or hairline detailing.

9. Fade: A popular hairstyle where the hair is cut short at the bottom and gradually blends into longer hair on top.

10. Buzz cut: A short, evenly-cut hairstyle using clippers.

11. Pompadour: A hairstyle where the hair is swept upwards from the face and worn high over the forehead.

12. Side part: A hairstyle with a distinct parting on one side of the head.

13. Crew cut: A short, tapered hairstyle often associated with military personnel.

14. Texture: Refers to the look and feel of the hair's surface, often altered during styling.

15. Blow-dry: Using a hairdryer to style the hair.

16. Beard trim: Shaping and grooming facial hair.

17. Mustache trim: Shaping and grooming the mustache.

18. Neckline: The bottom edge of the hair at the back of the neck.

19. Hairline: The outline of the hair on the forehead.

20. Taper: Gradual shortening of hair length from top to bottom or back to front.

21. Styling product: Gel, wax, pomade, etc., used to hold hair in place and add texture.

22. Shampoo: A product used to cleanse the hair and scalp.

23. Conditioner: A product used to nourish and soften the hair.

24. Beard oil: A product used to moisturize and condition facial hair.

25. Straight razor shave: Shaving with a straight razor for a smooth, close shave.

26. Barber chair: The special chair used for clients during haircuts.

27. Barber pole: The traditional red, white, and blue rotating pole symbolizing a barber shop.

28. Cape: A cloth covering used to protect the client's clothes during haircuts.

29. Thinning shears: Scissors with serrated edges used to remove bulk and reduce hair volume.

30. Clipper guards: Attachments used with clippers to achieve different hair lengths.

Remember, this list is not exhaustive, but it covers many common terms you may encounter in a barber shop setting.
2023-08-03 06:04:40
Help me describe to the barber how to cut my hair:

Certainly! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you describe how you want your hair to be cut to your barber:

1. **Discuss the Style:** Start by explaining the hairstyle you want. Use specific terms if you know them (e.g., fade, pompadour, side part), or describe it in detail (e.g., short on the sides, longer on top, textured, etc.).

2. **Length:** Specify the desired length for different parts of your hair. For example, you might want a #2 clipper guard on the sides and back and 2 inches of length on top.

3. **Fade or Blending:** If you want a fade, describe how you want it to blend from the shorter to longer hair. You can ask for a low, medium, or high fade.

4. **Hairline:** Indicate how you want your hairline shaped. This includes the neckline (e.g., rounded, squared, or tapered).

5. **Bangs/Fringe:** Explain how you want your bangs or fringe styled, if applicable.

6. **Texture and Layers:** Discuss whether you want any texture or layers added to your hair.

7. **Sideburns:** Decide on the length and style of your sideburns, if you have them.

8. **Beard and Mustache:** If you have facial hair, specify how you want it trimmed or shaped.

9. **Product and Styling:** Talk about the type of styling product you prefer and how you want your hair styled (e.g., slicked back, messy, natural).

10. **Photos:** If you have a picture or a reference of the hairstyle you desire, show it to the barber. This can help avoid misunderstandings.

11. **Previous Haircut:** If you were happy with a previous haircut, let your barber know, and they may be able to replicate it.

12. **Special Concerns:** If you have any specific concerns, such as a cowlick or thinning hair, mention them, so the barber can address them accordingly.

Remember to be clear and communicative with your barber. It's okay to ask questions and seek their advice if you're unsure about anything. Good communication ensures you get the haircut you desire.
2023-08-03 06:05:13
how to say 比比鳥頭,Pidgeotto head?
2023-08-03 06:05:19
Give me an conversation as an example:

Sure! Here's an example conversation between a customer (C) and a barber (B) at the barber shop:

**Customer (C):** Hi there! I'm looking to get a haircut today.

**Barber (B):** Welcome! Great to have you here. What kind of haircut are you thinking of?

**C:** I'd like a modern undercut with a mid skin fade on the sides and back. Keep it nice and tight.

**B:** Got it! How about the length on top? Do you want it short or with some length?

**C:** I want it about 2 inches long on top. And could you add some texture and layers to it, so it's not too heavy?

**B:** Sure thing! We can definitely add some texture and layers to give it a more natural look. How about your hairline and neckline?

**C:** I prefer a slightly rounded neckline and a natural-looking hairline, not too sharp.

**B:** Understood. And what about your bangs or fringe? Do you want them styled in any specific way?

**C:** Yeah, I'd like my fringe to be textured and swept slightly to the side.

**B:** Perfect! And do you have any facial hair that needs attention?

**C:** Yes, I'd like to keep my beard trimmed and shaped, just a nice, clean look.

**B:** Sounds good! Before we start, do you use any particular styling product for your hair?

**C:** I usually use a matte clay to keep it in place and add some volume.

**B:** Got it. I'll make sure to use that while styling. By the way, have you had any issues with your previous haircuts that I should know about?

**C:** Not really, everything has been fine. I just want to try this new style.

**B:** That's awesome. Let's make it happen! I'll start with the sides and work my way up to the top, giving it the texture and layers you want.

**C:** Sounds like a plan. I'm excited!

[The barber proceeds with the haircut, periodically checking in with the customer to ensure they are happy with the progress.]

**B:** Alright, we're almost done. Let me style it with the matte clay as you requested.

**C:** Looks fantastic! I'm really happy with how it turned out. Thank you!

**B:** You're welcome! I'm glad you like it. If you ever need any touch-ups or have any questions, feel free to drop by anytime.

**C:** Will do. Thanks again!

[The customer leaves the barber shop with a fresh new haircut, and the barber prepares for the next customer.]
2023-08-03 06:07:18
all back
2023-08-03 06:07:34
2023-08-03 06:10:08
呢個真...電話真係難聽好多,有懶音 lur 有口音真係repeat個voice mail幾次都聽唔明
2023-08-03 06:11:21
2023-08-03 06:12:36
2023-08-03 06:19:44
2023-08-03 06:21:39
2023-08-03 06:21:55
2023-08-03 06:22:05
足球 Club Friendlies
2023-08-03 06:22:32
2023-08-03 06:22:46
2023-08-03 06:23:04
Tv shows, news, weather, etc
2023-08-03 06:25:08

你可唔可以舉例何謂 complex sentence structure? 如果純粹兩句拼埋一句都還可以。但如果你水蛇春咁長你要留意番你句嘢係咪succinct 如果唔係你係咪有好多無謂字詞/字句。而且當你水蛇春咁長都係succint 咁大部分人注意力係咪可以聽得哂。

深字更加要睇你用係邊,你要知道大部分英國人英文水平唔高,更唔好講歐洲/其他地方移民人士。如果對方係posh 既會聽得明,但呢類有學識教養既人係極少數。

我有問過香港過黎的朋友,佢地話dse 考試用唔同近義詞堆砌一句長句子係會高分。學校會比生字佢地背,例如 important essential crucial fundamental critical etc. 但其實唔係所有情況都可以互換。我會明白你個意思但唔準確囉咁解。
2023-08-03 06:27:27
做份cs 做半年你就發現咩都唔驚同咩都聽得明
2023-08-03 06:28:17
逢星期一;how’s your weekend
2023-08-03 06:29:14
2023-08-03 06:29:24
D音好短 聽落好惡

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞