我唔知邊度係烏托邦,加拿大當有好多值得屌既嘢。講真,唔鍾意依度啲乜嘢,嚟呻下,屌下,發泄下咁又點吖。依度有言論自由,( subject to certain limitation)
我唔知邊度係烏托邦,加拿大當有好多值得屌既嘢。講真,唔鍾意依度啲乜嘢,嚟呻下,屌下咁又點吖。依度有言論自由,( subject to certain limitation)
每個移民都有自己既原因同理由。以我所見, 初初嚟到既,起碼八,九成人都會有適應困難。 有啲好短時間就適應晒。 我自己都要年幾至得, 我老婆由香港移民去紐約,跟住嫁嚟多倫多, 佢都要幾年後先至完全適應。
不過咁, 如果真係覺得加拿大住唔落去, 離開, 亦係你自己既選擇。根本唔需要聽人阿吱阿咗。
Freedom of speech is not regarded as absolute by some, with most legal systems generally setting limits on the freedom of speech, particularly when freedom of speech conflicts with other rights and protections, such as in the cases of libel, slander, pornography, obscenity, fighting words, and intellectual propert