[Casio] G Shock 討論區(7)

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2023-04-10 23:03:20
2023-04-11 00:28:38
有冇人希望GM 2100系列會出titanium版本?
2023-04-11 00:41:06
2100好睇 但唔襟睇
2023-04-12 08:28:38
2023-04-12 19:22:59
心跳 點解要每秒知道心跳 有咩用快咗又點 慢咗又跳
2023-04-12 19:24:41
但我隻b5000 平均每日只係收到兩次藍芽
明明好多時電話都已經喺身邊 都同步唔到
2023-04-12 19:37:08
2023-04-12 19:40:01
智能佢又唔夠智能 覆到msg咩?
我要多功能 點解唔戴apple?
2023-04-12 19:46:26

你咁講,Apple watch 夠冇Solar,嚿電用得兩日
唔通我又話Apple 廢過Casio?
2023-04-12 20:10:49
2023-04-12 20:59:17


The watch battery is rechargeable with the included proprietary USB cable or by solar. This is not a “Tough Solar” watch, so it cannot be fully powered by solar if all the functions are used regularly, but the time display can be driven by solar alone. The wired charging time is approximately three hours, and a full charge will last about a week when used for about one hour per day, according to Casio. On a full charge without further solar charging, the watch will run for about 35 hours in activity mode with the heart rate monitor on. In watch mode with the hear rate monitor turned off, the battery life is approximately one month, and with power saving on, it is about 11 months.

The DW-H5600 series will launch on May 19, 2023, with five models.

The DW-H5600 was announced only in Japan so far but is expected to be released worldwide with more information coming soon. In the U.S., the price is expected to be around $300 for the full resin models. The tax-included prices in Japan are as follows: 41,800 yen: DW-H5600-1JR, DW-H5600-2JR, 44,000 yen: DW-H5600MB-1JR, DW-H5600MB-2JR, 60,500 yen: DW-H5600EX-1JR.
2023-04-13 00:10:04
正常, 自動對時好似係朝早6點半同下晝6點半呢兩個時間先會自動對時

隻錶一日自動對一次時已經好準, 唔洗成日長對呀嘛
2023-04-13 11:22:31
G shock直頭一個月對一次都得啦,行勁耐先會快慢左少少
2023-04-14 02:06:11
好似係第一隻用polar既G-SHOCK smartwatch,可以sync番落apple heath
2023-04-14 02:41:31
我覺得gm2100系列好幾款都有個問題, 就係黑面/銀面D刻度好難睇
面又黑刻度又黑, 對比太低, 變左純襯衫
雖然話係話依家睇時間都係用電話, 但腕錶始終係方便D,
前排蝕賣完買返隻2100c終於舒服返少少, 美中不足係刻度無夜光
2023-04-14 15:01:32
2023-04-14 15:02:49
2100c都有個問題 冇藍芽冇電波
2023-04-14 15:17:06
gmw b5000d1 中晒毒 好靚
2023-04-15 12:06:13
想買隻Gshock square 系列,要買混合錶帶因為好似特別小小
B5600HR-1 定M5610UBC-1 邊隻會好d佢square系列出得太多版本 上網睇到好亂 有無巴打解答下
2023-04-15 12:40:51
個人覺得5610個錶面layout classic d,似番以前第一隻square,DW5000C


但係U module都有啲新feature :
The GW-M5610U-1 offers several enhancements over the older model, including an LED light with adjustable afterglow, current time display in stopwatch and timer, timer settable in seconds, adjustable date format and day of week language, quick return to timekeeping mode, home city and world time city swap, 5 world times, and 2 additional time zones.
2023-04-15 22:19:16
銀殼銀面, 放幾舊水,
藍芽電波其實有無我都無所謂, 平時都係戴機械錶多
2023-04-15 22:46:07
鋼就鋼 唔太建議混合
5000就扭底蓋 靚好多同質感好
5600就螺絲蓋 成件事cheap啲
返工當正裝錶就買鋼 返工出街都啱戴

因為而家好多人買隻$500 5600自己買殼返嚟組裝 混合就好有呢種自己裝嵌嘅感覺…唔太好
2023-04-15 22:47:18
2023-04-15 23:30:35
咁買番膠會好d 想輕身d , 係咪應該揀GW5000U ?
2023-04-16 02:23:59
鋼係要16x g

畀我揀 我會想要DW-5040PG-1
不過就真係賣經典 冇功能
5000U就太陽能 + 6局電波對時 (一樣冇藍芽)
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞