唔趕既可以咁,我用DHL 成五舊水,淨係快過同期hk post 掛號巴打一星期左右 (HMPO 簽收後都係等幾個禮拜先搞)
NADAAAL2022-06-29 19:04:43
Why your photo failed
It failed for these reasons:
Photo not from last month
The photo doesn’t look recent. Please upload one that was taken within the last month.
係外國BNO俾人玩 你都可以據理力爭 玩盡啲搞司法覆核 叫領使幫手 係歐盟直接有law back up your claim.
香港??? Are you FUCKING joking?
睇死有人用bno +身分證被人搞 你係呢到只會講風涼說話 之後就係五毛 總之受害人一定係錯
好急屎呀頂2022-07-03 01:53:02
L仔2022-07-03 02:45:35
FYI, lying to the HMPO, an agency of Home Office, not only is a criminal offence punishable by UK law, but also jeopardise any future dealing with the Home Office, typically on the matters such as applying for a UK visa, ILR, and citizenship.
Failure to disclose known information which is required under a legal duty, constitutes an act of fraud.
Actually I’m not writing to you, I’m warning the others not to be misled by your false information/assumption(s).