HipHop 推介區

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2022-05-23 16:58:05
2022-05-23 16:59:11
如果大家有覺得非主流嘅好album 都可以一齊討論下
2022-05-23 19:59:40
I think I figured out the album cover. It seems to me it's all about perspective – specifically, the story that's told across the individual perspectives of each subject in the image.

Let's start with Kendrick. Wearing a crown of thorns, he stares out the window – toward the outside world. He gazes from his private space toward the public. Anyone looking back in from the outside, peering through the window, would see just a fragment of his private reality. They'd see him holding his daughter and wearing a crown of thorns. Toward this unseen outside eye, he would appear a family man, a savior. Mr. Morale.

But from within the private space, we, the viewer, can see Kendrick's reality in full. Kendrick's focus on the window, his attention toward the outside world, manifests as distraction from his family. He is not engaged with anyone in the room. Not his wife and son, blurry in the background. Not his daughter in his arms, to whom he seems emotionally absent.

From the inside, we can quite literally see that his private reality is disintegrating: Paint peels from the walls.

Let's move to his daughter's gaze. It is focused, intent, and it looks directly at the camera. I think there are a few ways to understand this, perhaps none mutually exclusive. Of course, one way to understand Kendrick's daughter's gaze is that she is looking at us. In meeting our eye she implicates us in her emotional reality. Almost as if to say: "While you keep my father focused on the public, you keep his focus away from me."

Another way to consider Kendrick's daughter's gaze is she is looking at a mirror. Through the reflection in the mirror – which matches our gaze – she can see the full reality of her family life: Her father's emotional absence. His emotional distance from her mother. And most of all: the gun on his back, peeking out from beneath his pants, a symbol of his fear and paranoia. A symbol of the uglier, more base parts of his personality that he has thus far hidden from the public, and presumably tries to hide from her as well.
I prefer this second explanation, because it matches the themes of mirroring throughout the album. And by aligning his daughters gaze with ours, it also positions the cover to directly answer the mission of the album. Under this interpretation, the cover, like the album, puts up a mirror to Kendrick's life. It sheds his public image, reveals his private reality, and, unsparingly, shows us the truth of who he is.
2022-05-23 20:41:02
2022-05-23 20:49:33
2022-05-23 21:08:34
我都鍾意Injury Reserve 嘅self-titled
2022-05-24 16:39:29

Smoking on your top 5 tonight
2022-05-26 12:32:28

啱啱出左 有冇人會睇
2022-05-31 15:53:35
Conway 嘅part 2 review 會好快出
2022-05-31 18:28:08

2022-05-31 18:29:51
2022-05-31 19:18:49
雖然Conway 未寫好
不過都可以先預告定下一個會review 嘅album 係clipping 嘅 Visions of bodies being burned
2022-06-01 14:25:14

Wild Chapter 同 Guilty 就有住相對uplifting 嘅instrumental,尤其係Novel 嘅chorus 同 verse 帶動咗成首歌bittersweet 嘅感覺;就算有幾多瘋狂嘅經歷、人情有幾多冷暖,但靠住對音樂嘅passion 同堅毅嘅精神就能勝過一切

而係Guilty 入面Conway 就再次重新講述佢因槍傷改變嘅人生經歷,只要佢仍有呢種competitive 嘅動力,幾多嘅難題喺佢眼中都係blessings in disguise 特別鍾意一句”What you see is the dopest of any era/ Like a line of some coke, you sit on the mirror/ Sniff, ni**a, this shit a gift/

而John Woo Flick 就延續咗Griselda 主要3位artist 嘅「優良傳統」,就係佢哋絕大部份嘅album 一定有一首歌喺佢哋3個lyricists 一齊合作,而呢首歌又再一次證明Westside Gunn, Benny 同 Conway 之間嘅chemistry 有幾強,單用隻字片語就已經描繪到街頭危險又富有「挑戰」嘅生活

之後嘅Stressed 可以話係成個album 最introspective 同hard-hitting 嘅一首歌,Conway 唔單止講述因為佢嘅成長背景加上兒子同身邊嘅至親離世而生嘅抑鬱,同佢點樣用酒精同毒品去麻醉自己嘅壓力,呢首歌嘅chorus 就好似直接問佢嘅兄弟以及fans:”Do anybody care that I’m stressed?” 最深刻一句”Yeah, I drink ‘cause I’m stressed, I’m stressed ‘cause I’m depressed/ Depressed ‘cause I’m just tired of this shit/ They like, “Why you stressed, boy? You blessed”/ They don’t know about the nights when I can’t even get rest” 相信呢一首歌其實都可以講出好多身邊人同同路人嘅一啲心聲

喺So much more 呢首歌入面,Conway 就講出佢由不為人知嘅日子到成為Rapper 嘅經歷,一方面so much more 喺講緊佢不斷繼續投身噝音樂嘅passion,一方面亦都係同佢嘅haters 警告佢哋唔好睇少自己宜家同將來嘅成就,整體嚟講係一首好正面嘅作品

而Chanel Pearls 同 Babas 算係成個album 入面比較弱嘅兩首歌,主要喺無乜呼應到成個album 嘅主題,我自己會選擇skip 呢兩首歌

不過最後一首歌God don’t make mistakes 就完全唔同 喺柔和嘅piano beat 入面,Conway 不斷回想佢由街頭走到rapper 嘅日子入面嘅”What-ifs”;如果佢有不同嘅選擇,究竟結果會唔會有唔同,佢又會唔會成為宜家嘅佢?再加上呢首歌最後附上咗佢媽媽係佢中槍病危嘅時候嘅錄音,為呢個album 帶嚟咗一個完滿嘅conclusion;喺Conway 嘅眼中,神確實唔會令佢失望,因為喺多struggle 之後,佢就能夠睇到呢啲痛苦嘅經歷點樣塑造到佢今日嘅成功

God don’t make mistakes 正如一開始所講,可以算得上今年其中一個最introspective 嘅album,都值得一聽再聽,再三回味;對於未接觸過Griselda 音樂嘅人嚟講,呢個Album 亦都係一個唔錯嘅入門作,畢竟(我自己覺得)Griselda 可以算係一種acquired Taste,一開始未必容易接受到,不過過咗呢關之後就會欣賞到Griselda 好多高質素嘅作品

個人top 3:
1. Stressed
2. God Don’t Make Mistakes
3. John Woo Flick

因為我預咗(短期內應該)唔會再介紹Griselda 嘅album,所以我可以先列出一啲我最鍾意嘅Griselda 作品俾大家做個參考,有興趣都可以去聽下
Westside Gunn - Hiter Wears Hermes 8: Side B
Boldy James - Bo Jackson
Benny the Butcher - The Plugs I Met 2
Mach-Hommy - Pray For Haiti
2022-06-01 14:27:45
之前review 過嘅album list:
Vince Staples (self-titled): #1
DAYTONA - Pusha T:
(Part 1): #14
(Part 2): #18
God Don’t Make Mistakes - Conway the Machine
(Part 1): #102
(Part 2): #139
2022-06-01 14:31:04
最近再聽都係覺得好震撼 有啲期待其他人聽會有乜感受
2022-06-01 14:31:17
有無人聽old school
唔知點解對依家既hip hop好反感
2022-06-02 10:16:20
Aethiopes - billy woods
2022-06-02 15:58:40
有LM 嘅大家可以講吓有冇聽過或者準備聽以上介紹嘅album 同埋聽完嘅感受
2022-06-03 12:37:22
2022-06-04 12:18:02
同好想睇old school介紹

好奇依家聽hiphop既人,會唔會調轉都好反感old school
2022-06-04 14:59:22
2022-06-04 15:19:54

講下大路野 有冇人留意台灣hiphop 例如顏社(soft lipa / gordon / miss ko/leo王)
中學聽到而家都覺得台灣hiphop 乾淨同有feel過香港hiphop好多 成日覺得香港hiphop人夾硬加啲黃賭毒元素 扮晒gangsta好冇代入感

另外本土既話唔知有冇人記得郭健kwokkin, 呢幾年都唔見有新作品,但個人覺得佢係滄海遺珠
2022-06-04 19:07:16
我自己聽開比較新嘅album 所以無乜去鑽研下舊嘅作品(最舊都可能剩係聽過Nas, Jay-Z 嘅作品…)
我絕對唔會話對old school 反感 反而我自己覺得New school 有好多方面其實傳承咗old school 嘅精神 例如Pharrell, Madlib 呢啲Producer 仍然將sample 嘅精粹延續落去 好似Griselda 咁樣嘅廠牌仍然將舊時West East coast 嘅風格重新pick up 番 又或者Nas 同 Jay-Z 呢啲傳奇仍然將佢一貫嘅水準迎合宜家嘅潮流
我自己就覺得Old 同New School 其實無咁大嘅縫隙 反而係兩邊嘅fans 有不少為嗌交而嗌交 將兩邊一刀切 更加唔會肯認識雙方其實好多common 嘅位
不過就我個人而言 我始終覺得new school 相比之下能夠俾更多嘅resources 同 variables 俾有能力嘅Rapper 更容易一展所長
咁new school 當然一鍋粥肯定有老鼠屎 呢方面我都唔會否認 但係old school 又邊度未嘗試過呢種汱弱留強嘅階段 無論邊個時代都會有懷才不遇或者係惡名昭彰嘅artist 呢方面就見仁見智
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞