John Teeling's two sons, Jack and Stephen, worked with their father at Cooley Distillery when it was sold to Beam Inc. (now Beam Suntory) in 2011.[4] Jack, then Managing Director, left, while his brother stayed on for about a year.
As part of the sale, the Teelings negotiated the purchase of 16,000 casks of aged whiskey. Using these stocks, Jack Teeling launched Teeling Whiskey in 2012, and was later joined in the venture by his brother Stephen.
但果期佢地籌旗起t0 賣左d桶比ib

但你話呢加d teeling 12 15 18y
有咩成份響入面我就唔知了 但佢就寫明係single malt 囉
會唔會12 bushmill 18 cooley 我就真係唔知喇