【光芒乍現﹕香港電影新動力】率先於烏甸尼遠東電影節啟動 ✨
【Hong Kong New Talents programme】to kick off with World Premieres in Udine ✨
Organised by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society in collaboration with the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels, the programme is financially supported by Create Hong Kong. Starting with Udine, it will travel to other European, North American, and Asian cities.
烏甸尼遠東電影節將於6月24日至7月2日期間放映八部香港近期佳作,包括改編自殘奧徑賽金牌得主蘇樺偉真人真事,由尹志文執導的《#媽媽的神奇小子》、有關電影片場鬼故事,劉翁執導的黑色喜劇《#糖街製片廠》、《#一秒拳王》(趙善恆導演)、《#濁水漂流》(李駿碩導演)、《#手捲煙》(陳健朗導演)、《#殺出個黃昏》(高子彬導演)、《#給我1天》(李敏導演) 及《#好好拍電影》(文念中導演)。所有電影放映將配上意大利語字幕,電影人亦會通過預錄視像跟觀眾見面。
The Udine programme will feature eight recent Hong Kong films, screening from 24 June to 2 July. Joining #ZEROTOHERO , an inspiring biopic by Jimmy Wan on Paralympic champion So Wa-wai, and Sunny Lau’s #SUGARSTREETSTUDIO , a black comedy about a haunted film backlot, are #ONESECONDCHAMPION (by Chiu Sin-hang), #DRIFTING (by Jun Li), #HANDROLLEDCIGARETTE (by Chan Kin-long), #TIME (by Ricky Ko), #JUST1DAY (by Erica Li), and #KEEPROLLING (by Man Lim-chung). All films will be shown with Italian subtitles and feature virtual post-screening talks with the filmmakers.
📜 節目詳情 Programme Details:
🎥 遠東電影節官方網站 FEFF official website:
#HKIFF #香港國際電影節 :
#CineFan #電影節發燒友 :
#HongKongNewTalents #FarEastFilmFestival