Zoo-Khiam Toh: all true. You know with the issue of "inferior culture" stuff, its like I've gotten into probably hundreds of (in real life) arguments in my lifetime about this (often with men in my father and his generation). Literally at the table when people are ordering wild meats. so i do really feel that there is a series of really bad habits that have taken on, a perversion to the act of eating. How would I call out my own people? I would use exactly those words. Obviously I wouldn't use that on others. That's why I thought of it as self-critique.
But of course, as you point out, I may be committing some injustices of my own.
Jon Solomon: Toh gettin down around the dinner table with friends and family is just such a different context from a famous virologist writing an article in most respected newspaper in town. The elements of publicity and expertise are being used here in conjunction with a kind of vengeful populism (entirely opposed to expertise, actually) that is fundamentally belligerent yet does not make itself responsible for what war really means. 攬炒and 支爆 are not political projects, they are plans for disaster capitalism, that's all.