屌你真係成篇報導多面講唔同專解釋唔同state government真係做緊prescribed burning on site嘅national park rangers等等講今年prescribed burning點樣難執行,因為氣候變化下今年真係好乾 prescribed burning弊多於利
abc垃圾真係9up唔洗本 你睇埋佢d in depth/four corners點講中共滲透+香港抗爭者先出黎柒啦
你攞proof/數據出黎證明victorian state government想唔批hazard reduction burning啦,一係就繼續睇你嘅親政府 Murdoch media herald scum同the australian啦
National parks and state forests will be targeted in a major new federal effort to conduct more land clearing and controlled burn-offs under an approach that could shame the states into stronger action.