計劃進修PhD/Research討論區 (7)


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我沒有放棄 2017-03-30 20:00:50
Афанасий 2017-03-30 20:05:04

跳跳虎咩咩叫 2017-03-30 20:07:30
DrPhysics🤓 2017-03-30 20:21:22

Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students

Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,

•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.

Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.

Mental health; GHQ-12; Work organization; Psychosocial working conditions; PhD students


忒修斯之船 2017-03-30 20:28:44

Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students

Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,

•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.

Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.

Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic

有無人phd 做phd mental health
一言筆發 2017-03-30 20:30:05

Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students

Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,

•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.

Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.

Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic

有無人phd 做phd mental health

呢個topic 幾好做
participants 就搵番d 同學仔做
寶可夢博士 2017-03-30 20:30:40
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision
忒修斯之船 2017-03-30 20:30:47
之前大家講到 plos one被濫用嘅情況

其實 frontiers係咪都行緊呢條路
PhM 2017-03-30 20:37:39

Most of the top 20-or-so programs receive between 150 and 250 applications, and admit typically 5% to 15% of that total. There have been significant ups and downs in the academic job market: anticipated retirements of the generation of faculty hired in the 1960s and increases in the college-age population have not always been met with increased opportunities for college professors. Several factors may continue to retard junior job growth, including: (i) repeal of the mandatory retirement age for professors (which happened in 1993); (ii) increasing reliance by universities on adjunct and part-time faculty; (iii) influx of foreign PhDs. The financing of higher education is currently undergoing a major restructuring: while top research universities offer huge salaries and light teaching loads to the leading "stars," other universities are cutting back on teaching staffs and relying more and more upon graduate students and adjunct faculty. These trends do not bode well for employment prospects, though they may be offset by an upswing in enrollment in the coming years. The extended economic downturn that began in 2007 has resulted in a catastrophic contraction of the job market, which is probably more difficult than it has been in any time in the last fifty years or more. What the market will look like for students beginning PhD programs now is almost impossible to predict, hostage as it is to the general fortunes of the national and world economy.
經濟學姐 2017-03-30 20:42:11
拜神慕尼黑 2017-03-30 20:42:55
一言筆發 2017-03-30 20:42:58
之前大家講到 plos one被濫用嘅情況

其實 frontiers係咪都行緊呢條路

感覺fronteirs 暫時好少少
不過open access 多數都係一樣嫁啦
一言筆發 2017-03-30 20:43:52
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision

do your best la
寶可夢博士 2017-03-30 20:47:39
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision

do your best la

一份major 一份minor 好灰
Unexpected 2017-03-30 20:50:45
之前大家講到 plos one被濫用嘅情況

其實 frontiers係咪都行緊呢條路

感覺fronteirs 暫時好少少
不過open access 多數都係一樣嫁啦

一言筆發 2017-03-30 20:54:48
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision

do your best la

一份major 一份minor 好灰

minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先
寶可夢博士 2017-03-30 20:57:09
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision

do your best la

一份major 一份minor 好灰

minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先

我個系連phd都要計impact factor kpi
一言筆發 2017-03-30 20:59:24
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision

do your best la

一份major 一份minor 好灰

minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先

我個系連phd都要計impact factor kpi

咩field 幾多先計?
Enj 2017-03-30 21:00:00

Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students

Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,

•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.

Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.

Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic

有無人phd 做phd mental health

呢個topic 幾好做
participants 就搵番d 同學仔做

自己就係sample,使乜搵人 唔夠n number就自己人格分裂幾個出黎就得
DrPhysics🤓 2017-03-30 21:03:16
大家同行,無論讀緊定準備讀PhD / MPhil. 都好,唔好諗唔開。

行行出狀元,唔做academia 可以去commercial/startup

其中一條逃生門可以去新加坡/倫敦: https://www.joinef.com
拜神慕尼黑 2017-03-30 21:03:27
以前asso時代有個老師同我地講讀phd就會得到permanent head-damage
一言筆發 2017-03-30 21:03:40

Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students

Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,

•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.

Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.

Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic

有無人phd 做phd mental health

呢個topic 幾好做
participants 就搵番d 同學仔做

自己就係sample,使乜搵人 唔夠n number就自己人格分裂幾個出黎就得

convenient sampling 最多俾reviewers 屌
寶可夢博士 2017-03-30 21:04:08
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision

do your best la

一份major 一份minor 好灰

minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先

我個系連phd都要計impact factor kpi

咩field 幾多先計?

我個系唔玩referred journal
個review process咁長真係玩死我
一言筆發 2017-03-30 21:05:43
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改

我睇唔透點解係major revision

do your best la

一份major 一份minor 好灰

minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先

我個系連phd都要計impact factor kpi

咩field 幾多先計?

我個系唔玩referred journal
個review process咁長真係玩死我

sci 大部分都係peer review journal
入到sci 都計
好多open access 都係sci 有份
好似上面講既plos one同 frontiers
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞