Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students
Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,
•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.
Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.
Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic
Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students
Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,
•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.
Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.
Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic
有無人phd 做phd mental health
之前大家講到 plos one被濫用嘅情況
其實 frontiers係咪都行緊呢條路
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改
我睇唔透點解係major revision
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改
我睇唔透點解係major revision
do your best la
之前大家講到 plos one被濫用嘅情況
其實 frontiers係咪都行緊呢條路
感覺fronteirs 暫時好少少
不過open access 多數都係一樣嫁啦
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改
我睇唔透點解係major revision
do your best la
一份major 一份minor好灰
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改
我睇唔透點解係major revision
do your best la
一份major 一份minor好灰
minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改
我睇唔透點解係major revision
do your best la
一份major 一份minor好灰
minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先
我個系連phd都要計impact factor kpi
Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students
Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,
•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.
Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.
Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic
有無人phd 做phd mental health
呢個topic 幾好做
participants 就搵番d 同學仔做
Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students
Katia Levecquea, b, , , Frederik Anseela, b, c, , Alain De Beuckelaerd, e, a, , Johan Van der Heydenf, g, , Lydia Gislef,
•One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.
•The prevalence of mental health problems is higher in PhD students than in the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.
•Work and organizational context are significant predictors of PhD students’ mental health.
Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is threefold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.
Phd mental health problem itself has become a research topic
有無人phd 做phd mental health
呢個topic 幾好做
participants 就搵番d 同學仔做
自己就係sample,使乜搵人唔夠n number就自己人格分裂幾個出黎就得
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改
我睇唔透點解係major revision
do your best la
一份major 一份minor好灰
minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先
我個系連phd都要計impact factor kpi
咩field 幾多先計?
各位巴打 我近排交左篇journal Q1 rank
四個reviewers都major revision
但係四個都係叫我加佢地既references 同改改format 同加多少少解釋
Modelling methodology都唔洗改
我睇唔透點解係major revision
do your best la
一份major 一份minor好灰
minor revision 應該大機會既
可以試左open access 先
我個系連phd都要計impact factor kpi
咩field 幾多先計?
我個系唔玩referred journal
個review process咁長真係玩死我