發現香港其實好多靚女 靚仔就真係極少

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2019-11-08 06:21:10
2019-11-08 06:25:20
Men: stand up straight with your shoulders back.
Chin parallels to the floor with the neck straight
Be aware of forwarded neck posture. It pulls your chin back and create a round face. Look more feminine
Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and let the top rest just behind your front teeth.
Less pouch-y cheeks. Stronger cheekbones structure. Sharper facial definition = people pay attention to your sexier face = more memorable to people.
face less flat from frontal view and less rounded from the side’s view.
ThiCC neck, shows your neck-ness, bruh. Thin neck on girls, thiCC neck on dudes. Imagine a girl with thick neck, you be like dafuq? ThiCCness on neck is one helluva masculine trait
Think about Superman, chins up, strong jaw line, neck thiCCer than my thigh, dominant posture, open body language.
Just one minute Dominant posture increases testosterone, which most of us lack LMAO
Put on muscles. Curvature on a person is sexy.
You think chicks are hot cuz they wear hot pants. In reality it’s more so about showing skin. For men, show you damn sexy ass muscles (GO TO GYM PLZ).

Fix your breathing. Most of us breathe wrong cuz of long hours of sitting since childhood is a major factor. Shoulders back, straight neck, breath w/your bottom of belly. Push it out all-around while inhaling.

Inhale before speaking. That calms you, makes you voice louder and goes farther (seem more confident in what you have to say = attractive), less “closed” your voice is (most of HKers speak like that), gives you a deeper voice and sounds more sophisticated (works well in bizness meetin’)

Define your character. Don’t just be a person, be a person you wish you could be.

Look people in the eyes. Eye contacts are hot. Don’t stares tho.
Men find woman’s eye lingering attractive.
Women find men staring to be creepy.
2019-11-08 06:27:19
Hands: A playful touch on forearm, back of a shoulder and hand works amazing in flirting or just simply bringing people to be closer or warmer to each other (be respectful tho, like look at the person b4 touching them, so you can see their reaction. If they are uncomfortable, then apologize and move back into the conversation (convo))

Use more hand gesture while talking makes you look more open and fun to talk and seem more engaging into the convo (=people may be more engaged/people feel respected)

Give a firm good dry handshake (3 seconds is proven to bring people closer cuz of warmth) and the firmness show your personality.
How you do one thing is how you do everything.
Look em in the eyes when you ask for the name of the person and when they answer. Repeat it out loud, easier to remember for yourself (Rmb a feature of the face/body, ask them what they like, also helps remembering)
Name repetition in convo = people respect
IIRC Dale Carnegie said smth along the line, a person’s name is the most beautiful sound to their ears
Say your good bye properly when leaving (good chance to repeat the person’s name again)

Appreciate honesty, take a compliment and enjoy suffering

Have FUN. You are fun = attractive

Thanks for reading if anyone is actually reading this

Sorry to type in ENG btw
You could copy and past onto Google Translate

I wrote what popped into my head and I wanted all of us could better ourselves. Again, thanks for making thru the reading
2019-11-08 06:27:25
2019-11-08 06:29:17
我巴 同意港女普遍都靚 男就一般
但亞洲男人都好少天生靚仔 依家都係全世界爭亞洲女人
2019-11-08 06:31:18
2019-11-08 06:31:20
2019-11-08 06:36:40
屈得就屈 我反而覺得香港好多男仔戴咗眼鏡順眼咗

望下條街 四眼仔拖女係好常見
2019-11-08 06:37:49
姐係啲明星 平日你同佢靚仔靚囡
落左妝都好 你回憶返佢返左妝個樣 你都會覺得個人好睇啦
2019-11-08 06:40:28
實情係大部份男仔只要覺得個女仔睇落順眼 都會歸納落靚果度 係爭在ok靚定好靚既分別
但女性睇返男既 真係講緊去到陳冠希 吳彥祖先叫靚仔
咁點夠玩啊 聽極最多都只係話呢個男仔幾型
2019-11-08 06:40:48
2019-11-08 06:45:07
2019-11-08 06:53:09
2019-11-08 06:58:44
2019-11-08 07:03:24
2019-11-08 07:06:06
2019-11-08 07:10:28
2019-11-08 07:11:27
2019-11-08 07:20:13
2019-11-08 07:21:49
2019-11-08 07:23:43
我唔知 睇唔到
咩話 你話你係? 小丑!!!
2019-11-08 07:26:57
2019-11-08 07:30:04
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞