【交佢老母】合法簡易交差餉/水費/公屋租金/稅方法 PPS懶人包

270 回覆
151 Like 1 Dislike
2019-10-31 18:18:52
2019-11-01 10:34:55
2019-11-01 16:15:14
「宣佈」政府若不在今個星期六之前宣佈成立獨立調查委員會調查警暴,我等將會行動升級。 (2)
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2019-11-01 17:47:05
其實打電話交錢應該仲work咖 大家可以用住先
2019-11-01 19:56:13
用家角度嚟講, 恆生enjoy卡有0.5%回贈, citi信用卡冇回贈, aeon卡唔肯定, 有都係0.4%
2019-11-02 23:19:58
2019-11-03 18:52:28
2019-11-05 15:53:01
未有稅單交, 玩住支那銀行信用卡數先
2019-11-11 02:07:50
如果無入錯嘢,每次執行個script可以交50次 ($1.01+1.02+.. +1.50 = 62.75)
;五大訴求, 缺一不可
;Five demands, not one less

;Change the following 5 setting
PageWaitSec := 1500 ;Time to wait between switching pages, 3000 is 3 sec
SendWaitSec := 3000 ;Time to wait after pressing the PAY button to confirm the payment, 8000 is 8 sec
BillRowToPay := 3 ;If the bill you want to pay is on row 1 in the pps website. Set this to 1. If it is in row 10, change it to 10. etc...
AmountToPay := 1.01
NumTimeToPay := 50

;Pause for 5 sec to switch to the correct browser windows
Sleep, 5000

Loop, %NumTimeToPay% {

 ;Tab pass the PPS header
 Click 100,100 ;click the logo to get ready to tab
 Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;This would go pass all the header button

 ;Tab to the correct row of the bill
 Loop, %BillRowToPay% {
  Send {Tab}
 Send {Enter} ;select the correct bill to pay
 Sleep, %PageWaitSec%

 ;Set the amount to pay for each transaction and wait for next page to load
 ;Tab pass the PPS header
 ;Click 50,50 ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
 ;Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
 ;Send {Down}{Tab} 交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
 Send %AmountToPay%{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}
 Send {Enter}

 ; Message box to hold for captcha
 ; 輸入驗證碼並按繼續進行, 才回來按 OK

[red] if (Mod(A_Index, 10) = 0) {
  ; MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: 輸入 captcha 驗證碼並按繼續進行才回來按 OK, 600
  MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: enter captcha and click Proceed before this OK button, 600
 Sleep, %PageWaitSec%

 ;Confirm Payment
 Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter} ;This would goes to the PAY button and clikc it
 Sleep, %SendWaitSec%

 AmountToPay += 0.01
 AmountToPay := Round(AmountToPay, 2)

 ;Go back to the top to start over
 Send {Tab}{Enter} ;Go back to the pay Bill tab and start all over
 Sleep, %PageWaitSec%


; End[quote][/quote]
2019-11-11 02:08:49
;五大訴求, 缺一不可
;Five demands, not one less

;Change the following 5 setting
PageWaitSec := 1500 ;Time to wait between switching pages, 3000 is 3 sec
SendWaitSec := 3000 ;Time to wait after pressing the PAY button to confirm the payment, 8000 is 8 sec
BillRowToPay := 3 ;If the bill you want to pay is on row 1 in the pps website. Set this to 1. If it is in row 10, change it to 10. etc...
AmountToPay := 1.01
NumTimeToPay := 50

;Pause for 5 sec to switch to the correct browser windows
Sleep, 5000

Loop, %NumTimeToPay% {

;Tab pass the PPS header
Click 100,100 ;click the logo to get ready to tab
Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;This would go pass all the header button

;Tab to the correct row of the bill
Loop, %BillRowToPay% {
Send {Tab}
Send {Enter} ;select the correct bill to pay
Sleep, %PageWaitSec%

;Set the amount to pay for each transaction and wait for next page to load
;Tab pass the PPS header
;Click 50,50 ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
;Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
;Send {Down}{Tab} 交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
Send %AmountToPay%{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}
Send {Enter}

; Message box to hold for captcha
; 輸入驗證碼並按繼續進行, 才回來按 OK

if (Mod(A_Index, 10) = 0) {
; MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: 輸入 captcha 驗證碼並按繼續進行才回來按 OK, 600
MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: enter captcha and click Proceed before this OK button, 600

Sleep, %PageWaitSec%

;Confirm Payment
Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter} ;This would goes to the PAY button and clikc it
Sleep, %SendWaitSec%

AmountToPay += 0.01
AmountToPay := Round(AmountToPay, 2)

;Go back to the top to start over
Send {Tab}{Enter} ;Go back to the pay Bill tab and start all over
Sleep, %PageWaitSec%


; End
2019-12-13 00:31:36
有冇破解版 今日啱啱收到稅單 每次十蚊雞真係轉到出年
2019-12-21 13:05:53
交稅時間又到啦 推下先
2019-12-30 22:19:20
2019-12-31 12:49:02
2020-01-01 17:56:57



交少左佢會出信追你交, 冇記錯第一封信係加5%, 等到第二封信就係加10%。 即係而家你爭政府$1.1。



【自動交稅機 - 更新版】
** 只支援恒生銀行 e-Banking **
唔想聽我講廢話可以直接 download:

2019-12-29: 恒生改咗少少嘢,如果出現 bill number incorrect,請重新下載並重裝。應該唔會再出現類似問題。
我都費事煩喇,直接 download 啦唔撚匿名喇
** 只支援恒生銀行 e-Banking **
由於之前 PPS 交稅大法太早推出,PPS已經改為每日只可以交稅3次 (即每日 $3),基本上 PPS已經廢咗武功。
現時最簡單又最貴手續費嘅交稅方法,係透過 e-Banking 交。根據銀行不同,收費係每條 transaction $2或以上,即係你交 $1,政府要倒貼 $1。
再次秉承2014 / 2019 年嘅實驗性質,我以恒生 e-Banking 為首個試點,並公開此軟件源代碼 (Source Code)。如無意外,會有其他開發者推出類似嘅手機App。
此軟件只支援 Windows,如果你用 Mac 機 或者 淨係想用手機,等其他 App啦。
要留意,因為恒生 e-Banking每日只可以做 50 條繳費 (以我了解,匯豐都係一樣),亦即係每日只可以交 $50稅。

2020-01-14 04:20:32

又合法又有效 我真係諗唔到有咩理由會唔跟住做
2020-01-14 08:23:41
2020-01-14 12:08:36
2020-11-14 17:47:05
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞