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坂本龍五 feat.東尼大木:free·play
香港自回歸沉淪多年,當年八九六四,黃色書籍龍虎豹都可義買的年代起,當代最重要音樂家及電影演員 ── 坂本龍五 ── 將於今年四月帶來巡迴演出作品《free·play》。
Dragon Five Sakamoto feat. Tony Ooki: free·play
04.04.2020, The Pornhub, cumspace
In April 2020, Tony Ooki go to school by bus for the first time in more than a decade with his new tour free·play.
Combining Pornography OST from his 1997 album async and free form sex dance action from long-time collaborator Tony Ooki, free·play is a meditation on life in "Hong Kong Independence".
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