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2019-08-20 12:08:54
2019-08-20 12:12:08
搵條撚咩 黑警嗰邊啲人嚟㗎嘛 要捉一早捉撚哂元朗班撚樣啦
香港警察 成班垃圾
2019-08-20 12:12:16
2019-08-20 12:12:47
2019-08-20 12:13:26
屌佢老母 琴日mon到6點幾 仲以為可以捉到人 點知已經走甩 至撚嬲既係個保安 正一垃圾
2019-08-20 12:13:29

2019-08-20 12:15:33
They are well paid for it!
2019-08-20 12:16:43
2019-08-20 12:17:34
一位媽媽既分享 我係一個媽媽,一個普通到不能再普通既人,我經歷左, 生仔爭床位,搶奶粉, 爭公屋, 返學爭學位, 樓價高得高攀不起,依然要為生存而生存既香港人。我不再年輕,但我也年輕過…… 年輕人都係想要機會啫⋯⋯ 致唔認同近日年青人行為嘅大家,特別係收成期嘅人: 點解年輕人要搞事 當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 申請公屋只要幾年就有, 而家,申請公屋,單身由18歲排到50歲都未上到樓,而同時間新移民可以極速上樓 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 一年有過萬居屋供應,一年可以抽幾次,中簽機會唔低,私樓亦唔係遙不可及 而家,一年一次抽居屋,得三幾千個單位,幾十萬人爭,仲難中過六合彩,私樓更加係絕望,除非你有父幹 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 政府正在將市民由木屋,臨屋帶上公屋,居屋 而家,政府話年輕人冇屋住,可以住橋底水管屋或者官民合辦嘅劏房 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 雖然未至於想買樓就買樓,但要解決居住問題都唔算難,有租務管制,租都租得起,再加各種置業資助計劃,冇幾多人會因為住屋問題而冇得結婚 而家,大把年輕人拍十年拖都唔敢結婚,就算結左分都要分開住,就係因為屋貴到租唔起買唔起 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 大學畢業起薪萬幾,食個早餐十幾蚊, 而家,大學畢業起薪都係萬幾,但食個早餐係三四十蚊。 而你,問佢地點解要搞事 當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 一個人做嘢可以養一家幾口 而家,兩口子做嘢都唔知夠唔夠養家 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 撞正移民潮,做三幾年野就有得升職人工翻幾翻,公務員冇人想做 而家,個個年輕人志願都係政府工,如果唔係,私人工隨時做十年人工都係多三幾千 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 公園真係公園,營地真係營地,冇錢去旅行,放假拍拖去行下公園露下營都可以享受寧靜 而家,公園係大媽跳老舞揾生意嘅地方,營地就係中國人嘅免費酒店,仲嘈過旺角 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 政府係鼓勵建設香港,為香港出一分力,成個香港朝氣勃勃 而家,政府係不斷叫年輕人去大灣区,香港冇前途架喇,但同時又不斷放中國人落黎 而你,問佢地點解要搞事 當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 唔會有官二代富二代同你講成功需苦幹,因為當時苦幹的確會有出路 而家,劉鳴煒之流最鐘意同年輕人講去少次日本就買到樓,但去少一次日本都追唔到樓價一個月升幅 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 民意能夠直達政府,建制泛民都可以響政府各部門佔一位置,更加唔會動輒被DQ 而家,連監警會都容不下一個中間派,莫講話政府內部,議會就早已失效,政府議案絕對通過,議員議案就絕不通過 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 政府就算要顧及法治,都會顧及民情,例如ICAC成立後特赦貪污警員,六七暴動後一邊拘控暴徒,但同時主動檢視治港政策,引入多樣惠民政策 而家,無論佔中後定反送中運動後,政府都只係強力打壓抗爭年輕人,判刑甚至比六七暴動更重,但政府絲毫冇檢討過自己嘅問題 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 對住嘅係一個會重視人命嘅政府 而家,對住嘅係一個若蓮喪子嘅政府,係一個老師自殺因為唔捱得,學生自殺因為冇做好生涯規劃,年輕人死諫被完全無視嘅冷血政府 而你,問佢地點解要搞事
當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 港督夠膽單人匹馬落區食蛋撻,體察民情 而家,特首唔將方圓一公里封閉生人勿近都唔敢落區 而你,問佢地點解要搞事

總括而言就係, 當你係佢地嘅年紀時, 香港到處都充滿希望活力 而家,香港對大部分年輕人都係絕望,日復日工作結果連安居樂業嘅微細願望都遙不可及 而你,問佢地點解要搞事 我敢講, *假若而家呢一刻嘅你係佢地嘅年紀*, *隨時你仲激進過佢地*,🙃 因為年輕人所做嘅野,只係想奪回以前美好嘅香港。
2019-08-20 12:18:37
正一警黑合作 警家鏟
2019-08-20 12:19:35
屌 佢地究竟仲有冇良知
2019-08-20 12:19:51

翻譯左timeline懶人包 請廣傳
【A timeline documenting the Tseung Kwan O's knife attack and how the Police let the suspect escape】

1 am In a pedestrian subway near King Lam Estate which houses a Lennon Wall; a middle-aged man attacked and wounded three. The suspect, wearing a blue outfit and a shoulder bag at the time, escaped the scene immediately after.

Ms Chan, who was jogging at the time, caught the incident on her smartphone. She followed the suspect to Chung Ming Court's Ka Ming House until losing him.

2 am The Police arrived at the scene and established a preliminary perimeter. An eye witness account questioned if the Police were taking the incident seriously at all because no action was taken upon an accidental breach of the perimeter.

CID, Criminal Investigation Division, found two knives at the scene, but they refused to take any witness's statements. Even when the witnesses offered to do so, the Police at the scene only made a note of it.

Upon Ms Chan's request, the Police officially interviewed the security guard at Ka Ming House. The guard, however, was not sure if he had seen the suspect. Around just 10 minutes later, the Police left the scene without conducting a proper search or viewing any CCTV footages.

3 am. The entire neighbourhood was infuriated by the inaction and took it upon themselves to find the suspect. On the 21st floor of Ka Ming House, bloodstained clothing was found in a garbage bin. It is similar to the outfit the suspect was wearing at the scene.

The residents in the general area called the Police again. They voluntarily blocked off the entrances of Ka Ming Houses to prevent the suspect from escaping. Some also volunteered to guard the garbage bin to protect and preserve the evidence.

2019-08-20 12:20:05
2019-08-20 12:20:13

4 am The Police arrived ahead of the Crime Investigation Division officers and took over guarding duty of the evidence. The Police demanded that the residents leave the scene and checked their ID cards.

4 am. Legislator Kwong Chun Yu arrived at the scene and inquired the CCTV footage, but the security guards claimed that they did not have the key.

5 am CID officers had finally shown up and interviewed the residents. Ka Ming House's technician brought the key and showed the CID officers the CCTV footages. The footage shows that the suspect took the lift.

A K9 unit arrived at the scene to aid the investigation. The residents found among the CCTV footages that the suspect had already left Ka Ming House around 2 am wearing a red outfit. He, however, was wearing the same shoulder bag he had during the knife attack.

6 am Citizens at the scene questioned why the Police would not at least identify the suspect knowing that he likely lives on the 21st floor of Ka Ming House. The Police ignored the citizens and just left without even attempting to identify the knife-wielding attacker.

2019-08-20 12:21:53
2019-08-20 12:22:36
2019-08-20 12:22:46
721 811
2019-08-20 12:24:26
2019-08-20 12:25:10
2019-08-20 12:27:06
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞