

169 回覆
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Sumption 2017-02-25 01:21:08
I have known Mr Donald Tsang since 2005. As Secretary for Justice (SJ), I worked closely with Donald as Chief Executive (CE) between October 2005 and June 2012. In addition to official dealings, I consider Donald to be a good friend and someone I admire for his dedication to public service.

Donald's over 40 years of service and contribution to Hong Kong is a matter of public record. Others will speak to his key role in helping Hong Kong weather through stormy financial crises. Here I would refer to his significant contributions to the public based on my own personal experience particularly in the area of the rule of law in Hong Kong.

During my 7-year tenure as SJ, I had on numerous occasions tendered legal advice to Donald as CE. He would sometimes debate with me and test the basis of the advice; but he has never acted against such legal advice. This in itself is a remarkable attribute as the head of the HKSAR.

Donald always said to me the Governors he previously worked with, however headstrong, would always abide by the legal advice of the Attorney General, and it is important that the CE of the HKSAR should stay that way.

有無人解釋下依句 睇唔明

撒旦老人 2017-02-25 01:48:03
I go to school by bus
Sumption 2017-02-25 01:52:13
I have known Mr Donald Tsang since 2005. As Secretary for Justice (SJ), I worked closely with Donald as Chief Executive (CE) between October 2005 and June 2012. In addition to official dealings, I consider Donald to be a good friend and someone I admire for his dedication to public service.

Donald's over 40 years of service and contribution to Hong Kong is a matter of public record. Others will speak to his key role in helping Hong Kong weather through stormy financial crises. Here I would refer to his significant contributions to the public based on my own personal experience particularly in the area of the rule of law in Hong Kong.

During my 7-year tenure as SJ, I had on numerous occasions tendered legal advice to Donald as CE. He would sometimes debate with me and test the basis of the advice; but he has never acted against such legal advice. This in itself is a remarkable attribute as the head of the HKSAR.

Donald always said to me the Governors he previously worked with, however headstrong, would always abide by the legal advice of the Attorney General, and it is important that the CE of the HKSAR should stay that way.

有無人解釋下依句 睇唔明


女多人不怪 2017-02-25 02:02:51
血源詛咒 2017-02-25 02:04:51

but too long don't read
血源詛咒 2017-02-25 02:07:22


Lord_Denning 2017-02-25 02:13:05
I have known Mr Donald Tsang since 2005. As Secretary for Justice (SJ), I worked closely with Donald as Chief Executive (CE) between October 2005 and June 2012. In addition to official dealings, I consider Donald to be a good friend and someone I admire for his dedication to public service.

Donald's over 40 years of service and contribution to Hong Kong is a matter of public record. Others will speak to his key role in helping Hong Kong weather through stormy financial crises. Here I would refer to his significant contributions to the public based on my own personal experience particularly in the area of the rule of law in Hong Kong.

During my 7-year tenure as SJ, I had on numerous occasions tendered legal advice to Donald as CE. He would sometimes debate with me and test the basis of the advice; but he has never acted against such legal advice. This in itself is a remarkable attribute as the head of the HKSAR.

Donald always said to me the Governors he previously worked with, however headstrong, would always abide by the legal advice of the Attorney General, and it is important that the CE of the HKSAR should stay that way.

有無人解釋下依句 睇唔明



爸打,你都好鍾意 Lord Denning?
lokomotive 2017-02-25 03:23:25
I have known Mr Donald Tsang since 2005. As Secretary for Justice (SJ), I worked closely with Donald as Chief Executive (CE) between October 2005 and June 2012. In addition to official dealings, I consider Donald to be a good friend and someone I admire for his dedication to public service.

Donald's over 40 years of service and contribution to Hong Kong is a matter of public record. Others will speak to his key role in helping Hong Kong weather through stormy financial crises. Here I would refer to his significant contributions to the public based on my own personal experience particularly in the area of the rule of law in Hong Kong.

During my 7-year tenure as SJ, I had on numerous occasions tendered legal advice to Donald as CE. He would sometimes debate with me and test the basis of the advice; but he has never acted against such legal advice. This in itself is a remarkable attribute as the head of the HKSAR.

Donald always said to me the Governors he previously worked with, however headstrong, would always abide by the legal advice of the Attorney General, and it is important that the CE of the HKSAR should stay that way.

有無人解釋下依句 睇唔明

I had tendered legal advice to Donald as CE on numerous occasions
吳若希 2017-02-25 04:04:14


你戇狗狗 2017-02-25 04:05:55



吳若希 2017-02-25 04:09:38




圓舞曲 2017-02-25 05:46:59
瑞克搖擺 2017-02-25 05:53:14
帝國大廈 2017-02-25 06:24:44
帝國大廈 2017-02-25 06:32:22
Btw 讀咗幾年,習慣咗依套英語方式
我諗我依家返去dse 考writing 應該得5
Sumption 2017-02-25 07:03:04
Btw 讀咗幾年,習慣咗依套英語方式
我諗我依家返去dse 考writing 應該得5

Sumption 2017-02-25 07:07:07
Kaiserreich 2017-02-25 07:07:48
八號試管 2017-02-25 07:59:51
隨機打人 2017-02-25 08:07:17

佢地啲字係淺但佢啲sentence structure 真心學唔到
簡兒隻兵 2017-02-25 10:08:58

佢地啲字係淺但佢啲sentence structure 真心學唔到

香港仔隧道 2017-02-25 10:25:27
he has been made significant contributions toward moving Hong Kong closer to universal suffrage

he has been made?
Chocoball 2017-02-25 10:33:01
he has been made significant contributions toward moving Hong Kong closer to universal suffrage

he has been made?

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞