Thank you for contacting us and please note that we really do appreciate your patience. With time-sensitive, complex promotions like this; we do understand that it doesn't take much for something to cause a user to miss out on the rewards and we are constantly working at improving this system with Twitch/Mixer/Steam in order to simplify the process and to solidify the connection to prevent users from missing out.
We can officially confirm that all drops have been sent out to all eligible accounts. If you find yourself missing the Nekros Prime and/or the Lotus Ephemera drop, we can assist you in ensuring your connection is solid for future promotions; but unfortunately we are not able to add this item to your account. It is possible a disconnect may have occurred due to overloaded twitch/mixer/steam servers, which could have lead users to not receive any of the drops. Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do regarding this once it's happened.
Now, while support cannot add any Twitch Drop items to player accounts manually, we can help you confirm the Twitch link is working on both ends for future drops. If you have trouble receiving Twitch drops please UN-link your Twitch and Warframe accounts from BOTH ENDS. It is very important you disconnect both sides, not just one side.
一句話你個連接可能有問題就話解決左 屌你啦DE 之前ash咪又係全ser咁送 E家又唔送 你玩哂