[NEW] [英文grammar] 入黎砌下老母個老母 (2)

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2017-02-15 01:51:06

有冇短時間提升grammar去到 只有少少錯嘅方法

唔洗驚 冇事嘅 加油啊!
2017-02-15 01:58:00
可唔可以講下lack of, lacking 等等lack 系列phrase .細個學到好亂搞到唔敢用

lack 用法可以參考下呢到: http://www.masteringgrammar.com/2012/07/lack.html
首先,當 'lack' 作為一個 verb 的時候,pattern 是:

lack (v) +{所缺乏的東西}


He lacks practical experience.(他缺乏實戰經驗。)
Many students lack confidence when they speak in English.(很多學生說英語時缺乏信心。)

常見的錯誤寫法就是在 lack (v) 後加上 'in' 或 'of':

He lacks in practical experience. (wrong!)
He lacks of practical experience. (wrong!)

當 'lack' 作為一個 noun 的時候,pattern 則是:

lack (n) + of +{所確乏的東西}


He shows a lack of practical experience.
Many students show a lack of confidence when they speak in English.

由於 'lack' 作為一個名詞時,串法跟 'lack' 的動詞完全相同,所以很多人才會把 lack (n) 和 lack (v) 的用法混淆。

最後,'lack' 的 adjective 是 'lacking',而當它作為一個形容詞的時候,pattern 是:

lacking (adj) + in +{所確乏的東西}


He is lacking in practical experience.
Many students are lacking in confidence when they speak in English.

btw,見到有"of",講下"be of"用法
“be of+抽象名詞”,這時的of短語相當於這個名詞的同根形容詞,作為表語表示主語的性質或特徵。 of的意思是“具有、具備”等,常用於該結構的名詞常見的有
of use=useful;of nouse=useless;of importance=important等。 如:
The matter is of great importance.=The matter is very important.
在形容詞前常用very來修飾,在“of+抽象名詞”結構中,名詞前常用great,much等來修飾。 再如:It is o fgreat importance for college students to master a foreign language. =It is very important


想再問下be of + 抽象名詞
除左importance 同 use 外
be of + (v.)ing咁既組合 會唔會有?
2017-02-15 09:06:18
2017-02-15 09:37:35
2017-02-15 09:39:17
2017-02-15 09:41:07
英國文化協會d course 有冇用
2017-02-15 09:48:38
可唔可以講下lack of, lacking 等等lack 系列phrase .細個學到好亂搞到唔敢用

lack 用法可以參考下呢到: http://www.masteringgrammar.com/2012/07/lack.html
首先,當 'lack' 作為一個 verb 的時候,pattern 是:

lack (v) +{所缺乏的東西}


He lacks practical experience.(他缺乏實戰經驗。)
Many students lack confidence when they speak in English.(很多學生說英語時缺乏信心。)

常見的錯誤寫法就是在 lack (v) 後加上 'in' 或 'of':

He lacks in practical experience. (wrong!)
He lacks of practical experience. (wrong!)

當 'lack' 作為一個 noun 的時候,pattern 則是:

lack (n) + of +{所確乏的東西}


He shows a lack of practical experience.
Many students show a lack of confidence when they speak in English.

由於 'lack' 作為一個名詞時,串法跟 'lack' 的動詞完全相同,所以很多人才會把 lack (n) 和 lack (v) 的用法混淆。

最後,'lack' 的 adjective 是 'lacking',而當它作為一個形容詞的時候,pattern 是:

lacking (adj) + in +{所確乏的東西}


He is lacking in practical experience.
Many students are lacking in confidence when they speak in English.

btw,見到有"of",講下"be of"用法
“be of+抽象名詞”,這時的of短語相當於這個名詞的同根形容詞,作為表語表示主語的性質或特徵。 of的意思是“具有、具備”等,常用於該結構的名詞常見的有
of use=useful;of nouse=useless;of importance=important等。 如:
The matter is of great importance.=The matter is very important.
在形容詞前常用very來修飾,在“of+抽象名詞”結構中,名詞前常用great,much等來修飾。 再如:It is o fgreat importance for college students to master a foreign language. =It is very important


想再問下be of + 抽象名詞
除左importance 同 use 外
be of + (v.)ing咁既組合 會唔會有?

唔多覺有,v.ing 係gerund ,唔係真係noun.應該唔會再咁搞啦 其實我建議直接用adjective.,真係想屎忽鬼先用be of
2017-02-15 11:02:55

conjunction: 用黎連接住係同一句句子嘅2個clauses
可細分coordinating conjunction 同 subordinating conjunction

coordinating 即係2個clauses無輕重之分同樣重要
e.g. and, or, but
Do you want a cup of tea or a cup of coffee?
呢度個or連接左2個clause or a cup of coffee係embedded clause 其實全寫應該係 Do you want a cup of tea or do you want a cup of coffee?

subordinating 即係2個clauses分重main clause同subordinating clause
e.g. if, although, since, after, until
He went to swim although he was sick.
He went to swim係main clause
although he was sick 係subordinating clause
成句野個重點係main clause he went to swim

connective: 連接clauses或句子
所以connective可以係conjunction (but, when, because)或connecting adverb (however, then, therefore)
connecting adverb係用黎提升句子與句子之間嘅凝聚力更易明白前文後理
例如addition性質嘅connective: Furthermore, Moreover
帶contrast性質嘅connective: however, nevertheless

總括: conjunction係連接clauses係同一句子
I was sad but I didn't cry. (but: conjunction)
Although I was sad, I didn't cry. (although: conjunction)
I was sad. However, I didn't cry. (however: connective)

2017-02-15 11:15:36

conjunction: 用黎連接住係同一句句子嘅2個clauses
可細分coordinating conjunction 同 subordinating conjunction

coordinating 即係2個clauses無輕重之分同樣重要
e.g. and, or, but
Do you want a cup of tea or a cup of coffee?
呢度個or連接左2個clause or a cup of coffee係embedded clause 其實全寫應該係 Do you want a cup of tea or do you want a cup of coffee?

subordinating 即係2個clauses分重main clause同subordinating clause
e.g. if, although, since, after, until
He went to swim although he was sick.
He went to swim係main clause
although he was sick 係subordinating clause
成句野個重點係main clause he went to swim

connective: 連接clauses或句子
所以connective可以係conjunction (but, when, because)或connecting adverb (however, then, therefore)
connecting adverb係用黎提升句子與句子之間嘅凝聚力更易明白前文後理
例如addition性質嘅connective: Furthermore, Moreover
帶contrast性質嘅connective: however, nevertheless

總括: conjunction係連接clauses係同一句子
I was sad but I didn't cry. (but: conjunction)
Although I was sad, I didn't cry. (although: conjunction)
I was sad. However, I didn't cry. (however: connective)


之前學過好似conjucntion好似係表示因果關係 而connective唔係 所以用想connective表達因果關係之後就要用; 想問有無d咁嘅野? btw thx
2017-02-15 14:55:07
2017-02-15 14:56:51
2017-02-16 01:31:41
What are the differences among 'however, nevertheless and nonetheless' and 'thus, hence and therefore'?
Thank you

What are the differences among 'however, nevertheless and nonetheless' and 'thus, hence and therefore'?
Thank you

一句講哂,nonetheless 好formal ,口語唔用,意思9成相通,

(1) however作副詞,表示「無論」,例如﹕

However hard you try, you won't be able to do it alone.


(2) however作連接詞,表示「然而」,例如﹕

You say it's a carefully thought-out plan. I cannot, however, approve of if.


(3) nevertheless作副詞,表示「仍然」,例如﹕

It was a terrible accident. Nevertheless, air travel is still the safest form of transport.

這是場大空難,但飛機仍是最安全的交通工具。(Essential Activator)

(4) nevertheless作連接詞,表示「儘管……還是」,例如﹕

The drought this year was serious, nevertheless the wheat harvest was good.


(5) Essential Activator指二者用法上的分別在於﹕

Use nevertheless at the beginning of a sentence. Use however in the middle of a sentence, separated from the rest of the sentence by two commas.


(6) 例外﹕會話中,nevertheless亦可置於句末,例如﹕

None of them had much experience in that kind of work. They decided to try, nevertheless.


(7) nonetheless等同nevertheless,但前者較正式,絕不用於會話。


thus,therefore, hence
又係接近無分別,不過“thus”, “hence” is an adverb, not a conjunction, so it cannot join two independent clauses
姐係唔可以咁:They are not satisfied with our work, hence we must prepare a new proposal.(呢個係錯)

2017-02-16 02:05:24
What are the differences among 'however, nevertheless and nonetheless' and 'thus, hence and therefore'?
Thank you

What are the differences among 'however, nevertheless and nonetheless' and 'thus, hence and therefore'?
Thank you

一句講哂,nonetheless 好formal ,口語唔用,意思9成相通,

(1) however作副詞,表示「無論」,例如﹕

However hard you try, you won't be able to do it alone.


(2) however作連接詞,表示「然而」,例如﹕

You say it's a carefully thought-out plan. I cannot, however, approve of if.


(3) nevertheless作副詞,表示「仍然」,例如﹕

It was a terrible accident. Nevertheless, air travel is still the safest form of transport.

這是場大空難,但飛機仍是最安全的交通工具。(Essential Activator)

(4) nevertheless作連接詞,表示「儘管……還是」,例如﹕

The drought this year was serious, nevertheless the wheat harvest was good.


(5) Essential Activator指二者用法上的分別在於﹕

Use nevertheless at the beginning of a sentence. Use however in the middle of a sentence, separated from the rest of the sentence by two commas.


(6) 例外﹕會話中,nevertheless亦可置於句末,例如﹕

None of them had much experience in that kind of work. They decided to try, nevertheless.


(7) nonetheless等同nevertheless,但前者較正式,絕不用於會話。


thus,therefore, hence
又係接近無分別,不過“thus”, “hence” is an adverb, not a conjunction, so it cannot join two independent clauses
姐係唔可以咁:They are not satisfied with our work, hence we must prepare a new proposal.(呢個係錯)


巴打,第(4)好似有typo,nevertheless 前面唔係comma 而係semicolon 。
2017-02-16 02:16:39
2017-02-16 02:41:02
What are the differences among 'however, nevertheless and nonetheless' and 'thus, hence and therefore'?
Thank you

What are the differences among 'however, nevertheless and nonetheless' and 'thus, hence and therefore'?
Thank you

一句講哂,nonetheless 好formal ,口語唔用,意思9成相通,

(1) however作副詞,表示「無論」,例如﹕

However hard you try, you won't be able to do it alone.


(2) however作連接詞,表示「然而」,例如﹕

You say it's a carefully thought-out plan. I cannot, however, approve of if.


(3) nevertheless作副詞,表示「仍然」,例如﹕

It was a terrible accident. Nevertheless, air travel is still the safest form of transport.

這是場大空難,但飛機仍是最安全的交通工具。(Essential Activator)

(4) nevertheless作連接詞,表示「儘管……還是」,例如﹕

The drought this year was serious, nevertheless the wheat harvest was good.


(5) Essential Activator指二者用法上的分別在於﹕

Use nevertheless at the beginning of a sentence. Use however in the middle of a sentence, separated from the rest of the sentence by two commas.


(6) 例外﹕會話中,nevertheless亦可置於句末,例如﹕

None of them had much experience in that kind of work. They decided to try, nevertheless.


(7) nonetheless等同nevertheless,但前者較正式,絕不用於會話。


thus,therefore, hence
又係接近無分別,不過“thus”, “hence” is an adverb, not a conjunction, so it cannot join two independent clauses
姐係唔可以咁:They are not satisfied with our work, hence we must prepare a new proposal.(呢個係錯)


巴打,第(4)好似有typo,nevertheless 前面唔係comma 而係semicolon 。

你岩,不過我copy and paste,無check ,自吞
2017-02-16 09:19:40
2017-02-16 13:04:06
2017-02-16 15:49:12
keep on . add oil
2017-02-16 22:16:36
Where did you go?
2017-02-17 00:52:24
巴打有無得私補?黎緊準備再重新讀書 想進修下英文同補底 希望補到ielts考試7分
2017-02-17 01:00:41
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞