突發 英國脫歐大臣Dominic Raab 辭職

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2018-11-15 21:17:43
佢做 我切
2018-11-15 21:18:13
你覺得而家個EU 會送野比Trump?
2018-11-15 21:18:25
2018-11-15 21:21:50
custom union主要係處理北愛的問題,要無hardborder 就只可以咁。
2018-11-15 21:26:20
不嬲係EU出現前都已經有common travel area
diversion 就一向有, 兩邊其實已經收緊唔同稅率同埋用唔同既currency
就算HARD BREXIT都只係加多樣貨物關稅,原本大家有心傾真係可以用technology 解決 ,但而家咁就真係因為政治野。
2018-11-15 21:29:32
Corbyn同Labour的問題係,Grassroot Labour係真心想2nd referendum,但係Corbyn明顯係唔想要,the Unite個秘書長都話即使有2nd referendum都應該有remain個option,咁佢只好話open to referendum
但佢最想的一定係no confidence -> Snap election -> 輸/贏?
2018-11-15 21:37:25
Text of Rees-Mogg's letter demanding no confidence vote in Theresa May

A few weeks ago, in a conversation with the chief whip I expressed my concern that the prime minister, Mrs. Theresa May, was losing the confidence of Conservative members of parliament and that it would be in the interest of the party and the country if she were to stand aside. I have wanted to avoid the disagreeable nature of a formal vote of no confidence with all the ill will that this risks engendering.

Regrettably, the draft withdrawal agreement presented to parliament today has turned out to be worse than anticipated and fails to meet the promises given to the nation by the prime minister, either on her own account or on behalf of us all in the Conservative party manifesto.

That the Conservative and Unionist party is proposing a protocol which would create a different regulatory environment for an integral part of our country stands in contradistinction to our long-held principles. It is in opposition to the prime minister’s clear statements that this was something that no prime minister would ever do and raises questions in relation to Scotland that are open to exploitation by the Scottish National Party.

The 2017 election manifesto said that the United Kingdom would leave the customs union. It did not qualify this statement by saying that we could stay in it via a backstop while annex 2, Article 3 explicitly says that we would have no authority to set our own tariffs. It is also harder to leave this backstop than it is to leave the EU, there is no provision equivalent to article 50 of the Lisbon treaty.

The prime minister also promised an implementation period which was the reason for paying £39bn. As was made clear by a House of Lords report in March 2017 there is no legal obligation to pay anything. This has now become an extended period of negotiation which is a different matter.

The situation as regards the European court of justice appears to have wandered from the clear statement that we are taking back control of our laws. Article 174 makes this clear as does article 89 in conjunction with article 4.

It is of considerable importance that politicians stick to their commitments or do not make such commitments in the first place. Regrettably, this is not the situation, therefore, in accordance with the relevant rules and procedures of the Conservative party and the 1922 committee this is a formal letter of no confidence in the leader of the party, the Rt. Hon. Theresa May.

I am copying this letter to the prime minister and the chief whip and although I understand that it is possible for the correspondence to remain confidential I shall be making it public.
2018-11-15 21:38:34
所以而家就一路拖MAY姐後腿(之前啲留歐派甚至CORBYN直接見barnier傾偈,擺明落政府面),傾左個屎方案出來就提二次公投(或者叫people vote)叫人一係脫(MAY姐食屎方案),一係留(revoke art 50)。但就無option比人揀renegotiate 或者clean break。應該都係政治野玩語言藝術話有選擇比人民。
其實都有人講過,EU個經濟體係大,但一譚死水,唔係唔重要,但無話重要到要參加埋佢做political union,外面個market都好大但你唔出來就永遠唔可以接觸外面。而且美國中國澳洲等等都係operate under WTO rule都一樣可以同EU做生意。
2018-11-15 21:43:07
Letter threshold for confidence vote not reached (yet)
Confirmation from the BBC's political editor that the 1922 committee is still short of enough letters to trigger a confidence vote in Mrs May.

2018-11-15 21:48:26
2018-11-15 21:49:11
2018-11-15 21:49:21
Speaking outside parliament - and fresh from submitting a letter of no confidence in Theresa May - Jacob Rees-Mogg denies he is launching a "coup" against the PM.

He insists he is using the "proper procedures of the Conservative Party" to challenge policy.

On the PM's Brexit plan, Rees-Mogg says the Irish border backstop will be "harder to leave than leaving the EU under Article 50".

He says the PM's draft deal "is not Brexit".
2018-11-15 21:58:27
sor, 口快快up錯左。custom union 係解決唔到北愛問題,因為唔包人口自由流動。要解決要入single market。

free movement of goods對英國製做業,特別係汽車業好重要,因為英國好多時只係成條生產線的一部份,例如一個car engine 要完成的話要進出英國幾次去勻法德意,每一次出入境都要清關同畀稅的話,好多工廠會選擇將英國工序搬去歐洲。
2018-11-15 21:59:28
Michael Gove 'turns down Brexit secretary job'

2018-11-15 22:05:17
2018-11-15 22:35:40
Boris Johnsom同Jeremy Corbyn都係得把口無料到
2018-11-15 22:45:05
2018-11-15 22:50:37
2018-11-15 22:52:46
Gove 想點
2018-11-15 22:54:01
班友反對chequers plan 但又唔敢no confidence
2018-11-15 22:54:17
2018-11-15 22:58:32

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