做完Management Consulting, 你問我答

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2018-10-18 01:10:01
DeloitteS&O 都難入
2018-10-18 01:10:26
First Q: Do you like it? M&A is an industry which needs patience
2018-10-18 01:45:22
點解要patience? 巴打可唔可以講多少少
2018-10-18 02:18:14
M&A 升職加薪比較慢
2018-10-18 02:38:43
工程狗,做開consultant,除左technical design有urban/infrastructure planning同project management經驗,轉management consultant有冇優勢?(見mbb既industries有infrastructure)
2018-10-18 03:02:18
有, 做過PM係有著數, 你報之前不妨執執CV, 強調自己project expensive 同decision making 既involvement

我都係engine 出身
2018-10-18 03:04:02
工程狗,做開consultant,除左technical design有urban/infrastructure planning同project management經驗,轉management consultant有冇優勢?(見mbb既industries有infrastructure)
有, 做過PM係有著數, 你報之前不妨執執CV, 強調自己project experience 同decision making 既involvement

我都係engine 出身

Diu 打錯字
2018-10-18 03:34:20
其實你之前做過IBD, 點解唔做番IBD既,package至少double ..
2018-10-18 03:42:22
冇咩特別原因 唔鐘意做IBD, 我做左3年咪出左去做startup
之後做做下startup又發覺consulting 好似幾好玩咪去左做

我個人認為如果對個行業冇熱誠同衝勁係好應該起身讓位, 而且我唔會做得長
2018-10-18 03:42:33
hey師兄😛我起歐洲office做緊但係税太高想番嚟,想問下glassdoor人工準唔準(associate 7萬/月+~20萬bonus, manager 10萬/月)? 同埋你話黑暗,講緊香港office辦公室政治定普遍公司文化?萬分感謝🙏🏻
2018-10-18 03:45:17
同起香港轉去PE/In house難唔難 (講緊起香港唔去大陸嘅話)
2018-10-18 03:50:18
2018-10-18 04:06:19
associate range around 52k
workspace politics e.g. affecting your promotion
2018-10-18 04:06:40
2018-10-18 04:07:36
double digit growth
2018-10-18 04:14:29
oh like how feedbacks from colleagues affect whether you get promoted or not? But from how i felt, at least in my office, the opinion is pretty equitable? Not so in hk office?
2018-10-18 04:14:47
Ah i expected a higher salary. Is that the starting salary for associate (since in my office, salary increases by around 10000 HKD/month every year)? Is the bonus and manager’s salary correct tho? Many thanks!
2018-10-18 04:19:33
Do you mind if we chat in tg (@strawberrybanana) for a bit please? Dont wanna spam the post
2018-10-18 04:23:14
HK office is more aggressive in my feelings, I have been in HK, AUS and Europe offices. People are nice in general but still quite competitive.
maybe I get used to the startup environment before.
2018-10-18 04:25:40

之前我有報過一間Operational Consulting嘅公司叫Newton Europe
First In都過唔到 但啲Case Study好有趣 都幾想再試
但後尾發覺要成日周圍去 又好似太辛苦

講到尾 其實都係自己唔夠聰明 所以先考唔入
2018-10-18 05:06:52
2018-10-18 05:43:45
試多幾次可能就入到, add oil
2018-10-18 05:44:42
through headhunt
2018-10-18 05:59:18
Ching之後inhouse 做咩
2018-10-18 06:03:27
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞