associate range around 52k
workspace politics e.g. affecting your promotion
揾笨柒2018-10-18 04:06:40
揾笨柒2018-10-18 04:07:36
double digit growth
Kicksilver2018-10-18 04:14:29
oh like how feedbacks from colleagues affect whether you get promoted or not? But from how i felt, at least in my office, the opinion is pretty equitable? Not so in hk office?
Kicksilver2018-10-18 04:14:47
Ah i expected a higher salary. Is that the starting salary for associate (since in my office, salary increases by around 10000 HKD/month every year)? Is the bonus and manager’s salary correct tho? Many thanks!
Kicksilver2018-10-18 04:19:33
Do you mind if we chat in tg (@strawberrybanana) for a bit please? Dont wanna spam the post
揾笨柒2018-10-18 04:23:14
HK office is more aggressive in my feelings, I have been in HK, AUS and Europe offices. People are nice in general but still quite competitive.
maybe I get used to the startup environment before.
英國巴打2018-10-18 04:25:40
之前我有報過一間Operational Consulting嘅公司叫Newton Europe
First In都過唔到 但啲Case Study好有趣 都幾想再試
但後尾發覺要成日周圍去 又好似太辛苦