HKCC 2018-19討論區[9] 1001又唔開po祝每科都Fail

1001 回覆
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2018-10-14 02:38:34
得sem1 account 底 cost accounting 難唔難讀 感激
2018-10-14 02:38:42
itb同mo mid term難唔難
2018-10-14 02:40:12
唔難 有温就ok
2018-10-14 03:19:03
求評 statistics 數底要求係咪好高 難唔難讀?
求評 CCN2114 financial market and institutions & ccn2110 consumer behaviour 謝謝
2018-10-14 03:59:11
宜家讀緊NS sem1 如果升到上去想讀econ方面 中學有econ +bafs business底
求評CCN 2113 Financial Management & CCN2129 Intro to Macroeconomic & CCN2132 principles of Investment
2018-10-14 08:30:16
Account for non business 好唔好讀
2018-10-14 08:31:01
Accounting for non business students 好唔好讀
2018-10-14 09:33:28
2018-10-14 10:01:34
我上個sem考 題目唔難問得好直接 有同學拎到滿分
2018-10-14 10:08:09
2018-10-14 10:27:58
2018-10-14 10:29:55
FMI鳩背科 計小小數
2018-10-14 11:08:17
點解我reg吾到 入吾到去
2018-10-14 11:35:55
2018-10-14 11:36:42
難唔難攞A 同埋D數難唔難?
2018-10-14 11:57:32
讀過fm就唔難 d數
2018-10-14 12:03:15
2018-10-14 12:04:01
2018-10-14 12:06:47
2018-10-14 12:15:37
佢話The facility you attempt to use is currently not in its service period. Please come back at a valid time of service period.
(You cannot yet perform subject registration at this time slot, please check your time allocation using view my add/drop time allocation)點算
2018-10-14 12:20:01
你reg過? 唔得就寫email比office
2018-10-14 12:24:17
冇吖 hm係咪吾洗reg
2018-10-14 12:34:06
Dr haggen So
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞