To those across the world watching Bangladesh at its very worst. For the past 2 days, the police has been going from door to door and arresting every single person that shared anything “anti-government” like on Facebook and labelling them to have “spread false propaganda”. I’m a U.S citizen and I have contacted the U.S Embassy since I’m in fear of my life. Just a few hours back, I was outside and just as I made my way back home, I saw the police under the building which I live in and they were asking the residential guards about the students living in this building. Fortunately, the neighborhood I live in is under army control so they weren’t able to proceed inside the building without a warrant, and thus left. In all honesty, I have no clue as to what to do anymore. Do you think the world is going to take action if enough foreign civilians were to die? Will the death of a single Bengali-American be able to influence the world to aid us? Is there actually no option left for us anymore? But no matter the consequences, I refuse to back down from this. Just wanted everyone to know the absolute pandemonium going on inside this country.
呢幾日好似仲拉緊人睇番孟加拉人自己講番,達卡市面上已經大致上恢復平靜,而路面情況就繼續好似之前咁混亂 亂咁轉線,三輪車左穿右插。雖然有好一部分人同三輪車司機/私家車司機要佢地跟番道路規則,但其他人唔跟都係無用嘅 但有另一個好嘅消息就係警察查多左車同睇司機有無牌咁多學生俾人打到有永久傷害 強姦 甚至死
其實一個咁窮同教育水平咁低嘅獨裁國家,一時間真係好難有d咩大改變 不過希望經過今次之後希望係佢地植根,進步得快d