想整一隻有關二戰 - 香港保衛戰既小遊戲

585 回覆
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2018-11-20 12:11:38
2018-11-20 13:00:24
2018-11-20 13:01:42
2018-11-20 13:04:02
1. 要製作的遊戲
我要製作的是一隻Top-Down RPG Shooter (RPG射擊遊戲)



主要參考外國一隻indie game(獨立遊戲) 叫Nuclear Throne的模式


- 2D top-down RPG shooting

- 盡量以史實作為遊戲故事(但會因應遊戲體驗創作虛構劇情)

- 以故事過關為主

- 所有元素盡量貼近史實(但會因應遊戲體驗而有所改動)

- 時間線由1941年12月8日(入侵開始) 開始至1941年12月25日(香港投降)為止

2. 製作此遊戲的目的


3. 設立Patreon Page 的目的
為何要設立這個Patreon Page?

設立這個Patreon Page的目的其實很簡單,亦都很明顯,就是為了錢。


1. 製作人的部份生活費用(是的,對不起,製作人是不會光合作用)

2. 長遠支持製作人可以專心地全職製作遊戲,甚至可以聘請更多的製作人,加快製作速度,令製作人不用為生計頻撲

3. 儲蓄一定的資金,用以支付現在或日後遊戲開發的成本(例如: 軟件年費、版權費、遊戲音樂製作、發行費用等等)

4. 製作人簡介
大家好! 我是一名90後的廢青。大專畢業後,在社會上工作了一段短時間。但在工作期間,不斷反思,有感現時香港的環境,如果不是有「父幹」,有祖上的蔭庇,基本上你的這一生都只會是日復日地工作,而自己每月的薪金都不夠供養自己,更莫說日後父母年老後要如何照顧他們。因此在兩年前的某一天斷然離職,希望乘現在負擔還未至於過份沉重的時候,嘗試闖一闖。

當時留意到外國有不少Indie Dev的成功例子,用其製作的獨立遊戲以養活自己及家人,所以便決心成為獨立遊戲製作人/開發人(Indie Game Developer),走一條艱辛,但自己想追求,亦有可能擺脫現在這個情況的道路。因此便從那時候起,開始自學所有製作遊戲所需要的技能和知識。
2018-11-20 14:08:41
1. The Game I am going to create
I am going to create a Top-Down RPG Shooter game
The theme or say the story of the game is focus on “The Battle of Hong Kong”, which was one of the battles happened during WWII.
“The Battle of Hong Kong” started on 8 Dec 1941 and ended on 25 Dec 1941. It was a battle between the British, and her allies and Japanese Army in Hong Kong. After the battle, Hong Kong was occupied and ruled by Japanese.

The game engine of the game is Unity and the platform of the game is PC/Mac.
The game is inspired by the famous indie game called “Nuclear Throne”.

At this moment, some of the game features are determined:
- 2D top-down RPG shooting
- The game story will be based on the historical facts but some of the details will be fictional in order to have better game experience for player
- Level-oriented
- All game element will try to be same as the history but some of them may be varied to give better game experience to player
- The timeline of the game will start from 8 Dec 1941 and end on 25 Dec 1941

2. The aim of making this game/The aim of this game
The most important reason for making this game is to spread and deliver the history to the public of Hong Kong, moreover, seeking the public attention, especially the younglings, to this part of Hong Kong history and to the people who were involved in the historical event such as the retired army veteran and the dead of the battle.
I think gaming could be the effective way to reach the aim, so I decided to create the game based on this topic.

3. The aim of Setting up Patreon Page
The reason to create a Patreon Page for the game and me is simple but realistic ---- Money/Resources
I want to gain more supports from anyone who may have the same thoughts (to spread this history to the others) such as:
- Some of the living cost for the developer (yeah, they cannot do photosynthesis)
- Even to support the developer as full-time developer (so he can speed up the development and even hire someone to help)
- To accumulate certain amount of capital in order to pay the present and the possible developing cost of the game (Such as subscription fee of software, royalties, pay for the audio effects/BGM, publishing fees etc.)

4. Who am I(Developer)?
Hello there! I am a post-90 life loser. After graduation from college, I have worked under several companies but while I was an employee, I started thinking that is it the live I would have in my whole future? No matter how hard you will be in the future, and your salary, still, cannot feed both of your parents, not even feed yourself. So, I have decided to try to find a way breaking such situation.

At that time, I found that becoming an indie game developer could be the way. Many foreign indie game developers can feed themselves and their family by creating indie games. I think this job may help me break through the current situation and it is meaningful as games can deliver many messages to the players. Therefore, I have determined to be an indie game developer.
2018-11-20 14:17:49
2018-11-20 14:56:23
2018-11-20 16:05:03
2018-11-20 16:15:27
2018-11-20 16:26:04
2018-11-20 16:37:54
要喺到多謝Watershed Hong Kong仗義幫手宣傳
早少少嘅時候,小弟主動聯絡Watershed Hong Kong睇下可唔可以仗義幫忙宣傳 ,令更多人支持遊戲嘅製作,Watershed Hong Kong嘅朋友二話不說一口答應幫忙宣傳 ,更加提出不少建議,真心多謝同感激佢地嘅幫忙!!!
大家對二次大戰有興趣嘅朋友都可以去Facebook like佢地嘅專頁,佢地不少都會分享好多有關二戰嘅野

Watershed Hong Kong: https://www.facebook.com/WatershedHK/
2018-11-20 16:41:49
我都係睇咗Watershed Hong Kong 嘅post先知道原來都有巴打想整關於香港嘅歷史game

2018-11-20 16:42:55
2018-11-20 17:25:27
2018-11-20 17:40:38
2018-11-20 18:20:42
2018-11-20 18:26:15
2018-11-20 18:52:51
I am considering what kinds of thing could be as return for the supporters who have support the project on Patreon!
2018-11-20 23:46:56

你目前的視覺和TOP-DOWN不如話係2D scroll roll...
2018-11-20 23:47:48
2018-11-21 00:33:45
我見2D top-down都有好多表達方式,可能我畫功方面未可以做得好好去駕馭依個非正統嘅2D Top-down表達方式
2018-11-21 00:34:55
2018-11-21 00:52:45
2018-11-21 00:54:40
2018-11-21 02:18:52
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞