From wiki
Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adapted in the use of both the left and the right hand....... it indicates that a person has no marked preference for the use of the right or left hand.
我既意思唔係同時用兩個function, 而係唔同時候有唔同preference
就好似今次舊屎飛埋嚟佢用左手擋,下次飛個菠蘿過嚟佢用右手擋,每次飛野過嚟佢用左右手嘅probability 都差唔多,又或者probability 唔同情況唔一樣,例如佢擋屎會用左手,抆屎會用右手
套用返mbti, 即係有時會consider人地感受多啲 (F), 有時又忠於理性多啲。 就算係T, 可以唔可以0.8T0.2F, 或者0.55T0.45F?
我自己覺得善惡、喜惡、性格、聲音、顏色等等好多野都係spectrum, 真係可以簡單兩分咩?