2018 DSE Biology 生物 討論區

1001 回覆
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2018-04-04 21:31:55
明了 唔該哂
2018-04-04 21:47:19
2018-04-04 21:52:21
2018-04-04 22:20:45
呢兩日都係,學校老師叫我地呢兩日溫翻哂啲let leaning. 但溫完都好似好唔實在錦 淆底一個點
2018-04-04 22:21:24
呢兩日都係,學校老師叫我地呢兩日溫翻哂啲key leaning. 但溫完都好似好唔實在錦 淆底一個點
2018-04-04 22:22:30
2018-04-04 22:46:29
2018-04-04 22:47:27
2018-04-04 22:47:49
dse用inspiratory centre同expiratory centre嘅inhibitory response去解釋breathing action係咪唔得
2018-04-04 22:52:37
2018-04-04 22:53:53
2018-04-04 22:54:19
epithelial cell?
2018-04-04 22:54:38
2018-04-04 22:58:50
我剩係記左respiratory center nervous output點影響respiratory muscles
同埋chemoreceptor點樣刺激respiratory center
2018-04-04 23:06:29
2018-04-04 23:07:03

1. Deletion at position will lead to a shift in nucleotide upstream;
which leads to a change in mRNA transcribed, the amino acids sequence translated will also be entirely different (i.e. AAG, TGC, GGC..). Production of enzyme I will be impaired as different protein folding lead to significant conformation changes and generation of malfunction proteins.

2. Only the amino acid sequence encoded at nucleotide position 4-6 will differ,
the remaining parts of the nucleotide sequence remains intact;
which will not lead to a significant difference in the entire protein structure.
Hence, the conformation and major enzyme function can be retained.
2018-04-04 23:07:57
Can be mitosis/meiosis
2018-04-04 23:10:35
想問下 即使條tendon斷咗 muscle係咪都依然可以contract
2018-04-04 23:16:02
tendon只係transmit pulling force
muscle contraction係nerve control令到myosin+actin郁 (out-syl)
2018-04-04 23:16:53
2018-04-04 23:17:46
關我撚事呀 我地呢到個個都同考評局上床學bio呀
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞