2018 DSE Biology 生物 討論區

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2018-04-05 14:36:47
2018-04-05 15:02:56
呢條睇書就得啦喎 你唔明邊度
2018-04-05 15:07:29
2018-04-05 15:28:22
記得係答more/less proportion of water is absorbed, 冇proportion即收皮
2018-04-05 15:42:48
2018-04-05 16:25:10
2018-04-05 16:27:02
2018-04-05 16:27:10
2018-04-05 16:30:28
2018-04-05 16:32:04
The term is out-syl
Only need to know interphase, and the activities taking place in this stage.
2018-04-05 16:34:15
2018-04-05 16:43:31
Osmosis係要有selectively permeable membrane。Option D嘅講法意味著osmosis唔一定需要有selectively permeable membrane。咁係錯。
2018-04-05 16:45:25
2018-04-05 16:45:32
要強調係net movement
2018-04-05 16:48:55
即係佢無強調Net movement 既話water molecule可以由低water potential 去高Water potential?
2018-04-05 16:59:40
事實上係有,不過由高去低既water molecule更加多,所以個net effect係由高去低
2018-04-05 17:02:30
2018-04-05 17:03:57
all molecules including water molecules have random motion.

but under the conditon with water potential difference between the selectively permeable membrane, people discovered that MORE water molecules actually move from high w.p. to low w.p by the experimental result, so osmosis is a discription of NET movement of water molecules.
2018-04-05 17:06:13
要強調係net movement
即係佢無強調Net movement 既話water molecule可以由低water potential 去高Water potential?
all molecules including water molecules have random motion.

but under the conditon with water potential difference between the selectively permeable membrane, people discovered that MORE water molecules actually move from high w.p. to low w.p by the experimental result, so osmosis is a description of NET movement of water molecules.
2018-04-05 17:08:09
睇依個post睇到個人好淆底 感覺好似好多嘢唔識
2018-04-05 17:08:36
2018-04-05 17:13:23
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞