General Reminders:
1) 記得要小心審題
部分人往往唔中point, 就係因為寫晒一大堆看似相關嘅point,但實際上唔係答緊題目。
例如2015Paper 2 Q1(biii) 題目叫你Explain why there is an increase in blood flow to the skin during exercise. 有人答左significance/importance of increase in blood flow to the skin,而唔係答reason for the increase in blood flow to the skin.
2) 記得留意題目提示字眼(hints)
而部分題目會有一啲提示字眼,例如但不限於With reference to.../Based on...。其實提示字眼已經隱含左答題方向,而通常你從答案中反映到你有用hints,係會拎到分。
例如2016Paper 2 Q4(ai) 題目叫你With reference to the roles of neurones and nuerotransmitters, suggest why patients with Parkinson's disease demonstrate the above symptom. 答案total2分,1分係比role of neurone (to produce neurotransmitter),另1分係比role of transmitter (coordinate voluntary response/muscle contraction/muscle coordination)。
例如2015Paper 2 Q1(aiii2),佢比左一句statement: HCG prevents the degeneration of yellow body. 問題問 : Based on the action of HCG, explain why the woman did not experience menstruation。你係要base on句statement,然後繼續作推論。
呢題相當容易,但面對其他陌生情境(unfamiliar situation),如果巴/絲打無頭緒,可以參考情景比你嘅每一句,然後嘗試作合理推斷/解釋。
HKDSE Biology Syllabus (applicable to 2018 candidates)
English version
Chinese version