polyclonal antibody其實係mixture of antibody, 定義係antibody produced from different clones of lymohocyte 用返個例子 polyclonal antibody可以係monoclomal antibody A 同 monoclonal antibody B溝埋一齊 produced from clones of lymohocyte A and clones of lymohocytes B (所以係different clones)
marking話個short-lived instruction係RNA RNA係translation之後就會break down
呀肥2018-04-05 11:33:29
金雪炫2018-04-05 11:48:08
一理通百理明 唔該巴打
尖叫雞2018-04-05 11:57:28
三秒鐘發射2018-04-05 12:12:59
290mmol solute in filtrate + 1L water = 290mmol/L concentration
in proximal convoluted tubules: solute absorbed, increase water potential in filtrate, so water is also absorbed by osmosis
the answer said "absorb in same proportion", which means, for example, 145mmol solute absorbed will lead to absorptiom of 0.5L water, so remaining solute and water in filtrate is 145mmol and 0.5L respectively, and the solute concentration is still 290mmol/L