【英國】 英倫扮工室 XIII


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HKG3 2018-01-06 04:01:25
If you are getting an UK Tier 2 (General) visa and have British National (Overseas) status, you should get your UK Tier 2 visa using your BN(O) passport. This is because -

1) BN(O) passport holders with a long term UK visa do not need to register with the local police while HKSAR passport holders, as Chinese nationals, are required to register with the local police.

2) BN(O) passport holders with long term UK visas are treated as Commonwealth citizens in the UK. He/She can register to vote in all UK elections. HKSAR passport holders cannot register to vote in any UK elections. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK.

3) BN(O) passport holders can apply for British civil service jobs open to Commonwealth citizens once he/she has Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) while HKSAR passport holders cannot apply for British civil service jobs until he/she has become a British Citizen.

4) BN(O) passport holders can apply for registration to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA), this is a cheaper method than naturalisation. HKSAR passport holder must naturalise in order to get British Citizenship.

HKG3 2018-01-06 04:02:16
A number of points for those of you who got British Citizenship via your parent and living in Hong Kong -

1) You are very likely to be a British Citizen by descent. This means that your child born outside of the UK will not automatically receive British Citizenship.

2) You can move back to the UK at any time you wanted. All you need is a valid British Citizen passport.

3) You cannot get UK welfare benefit until you lived in the UK for three months.

4) However, you can use the National Health Service (NHS) as soon as you are in the UK.

5) You will need to get a National Insurance (NI) Number. You can only apply for a NI number in the UK. Please see link below for details -


6) You will not be entitle to UK 'home' student fees until you lived in the UK for at lease three years before the start of the course.

7) If you want to give birth in the UK in order to get British Citizenship for your child, I would suggest you to do so in Northern Ireland (Belfast for example). A child born in Northern Ireland with at lease one British Citizen parent is also entitle to Irish citizenship (as well as British Citizenship). Irish citizenship remains an EU citizenship after Brexit, which means that the child have the freedom of movement in the EU.

8) Banking - you can open UK bank accounts in Hong Kong with the HSBC or the Bank of East Asia. Please note that HSBC will charge a fee.
HKG3 2018-01-06 04:03:42

東網透視:憑一支單簧管 香港仔入選御林軍



取錄左係咪會幫你搞埋visa? - Once you are a full time member of the British Armed Forces, you are no longer subject to British immigration control.


A member of the Regular Armed Forces (Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force) who is subject to service law is exempt immigration control under Section 8(4) of the immigration act 1971 (except for the provisions relating to deportation).

Have a look at this thread in LIHKG below for more information on BN(O) passport holders joining the British Armed Forces -

BNO與其去做慈母 不如加入英軍

HKG3 2018-01-06 04:07:12
More points -

1) You can exchange your Hong Kong driving licence to an UK one without test in the UK as long as you pass your driving test in Hong Kong and you lived in the UK for less than 5 years.


2) You can renew your British passport (whether it is a British Citizen or British National (Overseas) passport) in Hong Kong online.


The thread (『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(14) 請睇DOC再發問) below gives you all the information you need to renew your British passport in Hong Kong -

阿簡 2018-01-06 06:20:08
在線中 2018-01-06 07:33:52
Hi 好悶
憂_ 2018-01-06 07:35:31
Hi 好悶

Hi 好悶
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-06 08:18:35
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-06 08:18:51
Hi 好悶
Dinamita 2018-01-06 13:19:24
Thx 巴打 黎緊諗住apply working visa去試下參軍

HKG3 2018-01-06 16:43:00
工兵最弱雞喎 - not the case any more. According to the latest Army Forces Pay Review body report, the Armed Forces 'are experiencing significant problems in both recruiting and retaining sufficient numbers of engineers for both officers and other ranks (ORs)', with an overall deficit of engineers was 2,310 (4.9 per cent) in January 2016. (3.22)

雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-06 17:35:52
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-06 17:36:19
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-06 17:36:38
Dinamita 2018-01-06 17:57:20
其一 係因為一直好想試下做軍人,好想體驗下個種使命感,可能有d中二病


雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-06 18:08:09
HKG3 2018-01-06 18:08:13
所以希望用2年時間去試下,就算唔得都起碼叫做試過,了左一個心願 - I would suggest that you should serve for at lease 5 years. You can get British Citizenship after 5 years' service in the British Armed Forces.
HKG3 2018-01-06 18:09:18
其實中國都有解放軍做 - but Hong Kong people cannot join the Chinese People's Liberation Army!
HKG3 2018-01-06 18:11:37
You can also view the British Army's YouTube channel below -

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞