【英國】 英倫扮工室 XIII


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雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-11 03:04:11
阿簡 2018-01-11 03:09:08


睇你嚟既目標係咩架姐 好似我咁係想比自己兩年時間去多啲旅行 最後做辦公室冗員前放縱下自己 等自己冇乜遺憾咁 咪嚟囉
如果你話想學好英文 其實我覺得冇乜必要黎 或者至少話唔係一定要黎到呢邊先學得到英文

何況英國咁多工 只要你唔介意做啲相對辛苦啲既工 實餓你唔死既

我想見識多啲,唔想廿頭就打份牛工到老 話唔埋去果邊仲可能識到女
儲錢去旅行好過la gum

識女黎講 想識鬼妹有啲難度 我見好多鬼妹都幾[/red]bitchy[/red]下

HKG3 2018-01-11 03:22:50
Chinese restaurant
HKG3 2018-01-11 03:28:33
下年年頭飛去英國 - Have you got your BN(O) passport ready?

Also, if you pass your driving test in Hong Kong, you can exchange your Hong Kong driving licence to an UK one without test.

阿簡 2018-01-11 03:31:44
當兵巴打們有冇人想搵training buddy?

我操到過到啲test (for soldiers) 但個人仲好細粒。(173cm 62.5kg) 由過唔到test操到pass到後就懶咗冇動力。想一年內增到71 or 72 kg,下年年頭飛去英國

求training buddy (星期六日,平日要ot )
下年年頭飛去英國 - Have you got your BN(O) passport ready?

Also, if you pass your driving test in Hong Kong, you can exchange your Hong Kong driving licence to an UK one without test.


dvla post 左份申請表比我,但佢話明如果non gb 轉gb 車牌,你需要住夠185日 我好想照申請, 賣早d個入境日期
阿簡 2018-01-11 03:57:01
份D1 form 上高會問what date did you come to live

同埋講明 : to apply for a GB driving licence, you must be normally resident in the UK for more than 185 days in a calendar year
至憎飲水 2018-01-11 04:30:39


睇你嚟既目標係咩架姐 好似我咁係想比自己兩年時間去多啲旅行 最後做辦公室冗員前放縱下自己 等自己冇乜遺憾咁 咪嚟囉
如果你話想學好英文 其實我覺得冇乜必要黎 或者至少話唔係一定要黎到呢邊先學得到英文

何況英國咁多工 只要你唔介意做啲相對辛苦啲既工 實餓你唔死既

我想見識多啲,唔想廿頭就打份牛工到老 話唔埋去果邊仲可能識到女
儲錢去旅行好過la gum

識女黎講 想識鬼妹有啲難度 我見好多鬼妹都幾[/red]bitchy[/red]下


至憎飲水 2018-01-11 04:31:34
租屋個度間唔中冇熱水/水淨係暖暖地都一段長時間 我本身以為係水壓問題(因為初初住個陣都試過一次係水壓搞到冇熱水) 結果前幾日問埋其他tenants 先知原來佢地已經同landlord講過 佢地搵人黎整完但都係冇熱水 咁我前兩日text我個landlord又同佢講 順便建議佢換左個爐佢
結果佢同我講話佢已經搵人黎整過 整完有熱水但過排又突然冇 又話佢唔係倫敦 但會搵人黎整
琴日朝早就有人黎整既 但結果夜晚收工返到屋企都係冇熱水用
咁我就態度強硬少少 text佢同佢講都係冇熱水 順便話希望6日內可以整好 然後佢覆我話我好rude 然後話我好遲先同佢講呢個問題 佢已經盡快處理左我反映既問題咁 然後話 既然你比左6日時間佢地 咁如果6日內佢地都搞唔掂 佢話我地可以review下個張約

點解啲人可以話你地啲租客話個爐唔著 但我搵人黎睇又有著 搞到好似我地呃佢咁 佢仲要話i hope you don't feel like i am ignoring requests because I have also paid to get these men called out. 講到好似佢盡曬力咁
流放英倫 2018-01-11 04:54:26
至憎飲水 2018-01-11 05:04:36

- If the repairs/improvements are not carried out or the landlord fails to respond to the tenant’s written complaint within 14 days, the tenant then has the right to complain to their local authority.

- The local authority then has to decide whether it wants to issue the landlord with a Relevant Notice – which requires the landlord to carry out the work/improvements on the rental property.

- If the local authority does not issue a Relevant Notice, this does not affect the landlord’s right to issue a Section 21 notice.

- If the local authority does not clearly decide whether to issue a Relevant Notice, tenants will be able to successfully defend a Section 21 notice, if served with one.

- If the local authority does decide to issue a Relevant Notice, as well as having to carry out the repairs/improvements to the property, the landlord will not be able to serve a Section 21 notice for six months from that date.


thanks for your useful link

我都覺 啱啱返屋企試係有熱水 過兩日睇下點

雖然我唔知係咩boiler 不過望落好鬼舊 應該係十年前個啲款黎

呢排完全零熱水個陣個水壓keep住係2左右 正常好似係between 1(or1.5) -2.5咁 有排係水壓成日跌到0/高到去3左右 個陣係較完水壓再等一等就有熱水
阿簡 2018-01-11 05:31:19
咁巴打們你地係點 , 到步就唔理照申請, 定係呢邊考車?
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-11 07:45:12
BTW係唔係儲水式,你一返到嚟俾house mate用曬咋?
至憎飲水 2018-01-11 11:44:12
BTW係唔係儲水式,你一返到嚟俾house mate用曬咋?

我唔知佢地整左幾耐 佢地整既時候我全部都唔係間屋度
但就算隔24個鐘佢都冇熱水喎 同埋啲人黎整既時候應該係個個返曬工冇人係屋企既時間黎 如果真係要隔12個鐘先開得爐用 我諗個boiler man會同landlord講掛 但landlord乜柒都冇同過我地講過

我有諗過可能係比人用曬 但我應該係全屋最晏沖涼嗰個 我成日都凌晨2 3點先沖涼
但就算真係用曬 我有日特登企係廚房研究過 個爐一直冇著過 盞boiling燈一係就長熄 一係著20秒然後又熄返 就算我擰個制重新開著佢都冇用
加上我問過返office工既housemate 佢地都話冇熱水用
上戸彩 2018-01-11 20:17:28
馬壯Hydra 2018-01-11 20:45:04
google下 barry
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-01-12 01:29:24
會唔會係個setting 一到夜晚唔會著?
HKG3 2018-01-12 02:17:10
Gavin & Stacey?
乞鳩求劍 2018-01-12 02:17:48
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞