儲錢去旅行好過la gum打算黎緊報visa,中六程度,無專業技能,英文一般,如果真係黎到,係咪死得
睇你嚟既目標係咩架姐 好似我咁係想比自己兩年時間去多啲旅行 最後做辦公室冗員前放縱下自己 等自己冇乜遺憾咁 咪嚟囉
如果你話想學好英文 其實我覺得冇乜必要黎 或者至少話唔係一定要黎到呢邊先學得到英文
何況英國咁多工 只要你唔介意做啲相對辛苦啲既工 實餓你唔死既
我想見識多啲,唔想廿頭就打份牛工到老 話唔埋去果邊仲可能識到女
識女黎講 想識鬼妹有啲難度 我見好多鬼妹都幾[/red]bitchy[/red]下
當兵巴打們有冇人想搵training buddy?下年年頭飛去英國 - Have you got your BN(O) passport ready?
我操到過到啲test (for soldiers) 但個人仲好細粒。(173cm 62.5kg) 由過唔到test操到pass到後就懶咗冇動力。想一年內增到71 or 72 kg,下年年頭飛去英國
求training buddy (星期六日,平日要ot )
Also, if you pass your driving test in Hong Kong, you can exchange your Hong Kong driving licence to an UK one without test.
儲錢去旅行好過la gum打算黎緊報visa,中六程度,無專業技能,英文一般,如果真係黎到,係咪死得
睇你嚟既目標係咩架姐 好似我咁係想比自己兩年時間去多啲旅行 最後做辦公室冗員前放縱下自己 等自己冇乜遺憾咁 咪嚟囉
如果你話想學好英文 其實我覺得冇乜必要黎 或者至少話唔係一定要黎到呢邊先學得到英文
何況英國咁多工 只要你唔介意做啲相對辛苦啲既工 實餓你唔死既
我想見識多啲,唔想廿頭就打份牛工到老 話唔埋去果邊仲可能識到女
識女黎講 想識鬼妹有啲難度 我見好多鬼妹都幾[/red]bitchy[/red]下
- If the repairs/improvements are not carried out or the landlord fails to respond to the tenant’s written complaint within 14 days, the tenant then has the right to complain to their local authority.
- The local authority then has to decide whether it wants to issue the landlord with a Relevant Notice – which requires the landlord to carry out the work/improvements on the rental property.
- If the local authority does not issue a Relevant Notice, this does not affect the landlord’s right to issue a Section 21 notice.
- If the local authority does not clearly decide whether to issue a Relevant Notice, tenants will be able to successfully defend a Section 21 notice, if served with one.
- If the local authority does decide to issue a Relevant Notice, as well as having to carry out the repairs/improvements to the property, the landlord will not be able to serve a Section 21 notice for six months from that date.
BTW係唔係儲水式,你一返到嚟俾house mate用曬咋?