講起credit rating, 之前申請virgin mobile plan £5/month, 1 month contract. 佢都要credit check. 仲要fail 左我. 個philippine cs 見唔得幫我試多幾次。全部decline 哂, 搞到我credit rating 跌左勁多,普通卡都唔批
Dom生同學2018-01-25 22:36:22
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸)2018-01-25 23:10:39
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸)2018-01-25 23:10:49
PS4 Mon Hun
Das_Fenster2018-01-25 23:37:27
唔係掛,點解mobile plan都要credit check
馬壯Hydra2018-01-26 00:25:05
馬壯Hydra2018-01-26 00:26:11
早鳥無蟲吃2018-01-26 00:38:13
ps4 Mon hunt online 係咪同pc 一樣
BTW SoC remake 就出
早鳥無蟲吃2018-01-26 00:41:16
1month contact我都唔係好知,但如果你買機+2年約,佢當loan
馬壯Hydra2018-01-26 01:44:48
Mon Hunt world 喎
Pc 版遲啲先出
Ps4 xbox就聽日
HKG32018-01-26 02:49:36
有冇登記做選民 - you can only register to vote in the UK if you are a British National (Overseas) passport holder with leave to remain in the UK for more than 6 months.
HKSAR passport holders, as Chinese nationals, are not entitle to register to vote in the UK.