但有啲題目要答 reabsorptions of useful substances increase the water potential of glomerular filtrate ->much higher than blood->larger proportion of water is reabsorbed???
第一句應該係"at least one", but not "one".
同埋字眼上要寫好啲先穩陣地有分。係inherit X-chromosome bearing the normal/defective allele, not "X-linked allele"。
其餘整體邏輯都通,可以係alternative answer
我諗佢係想你suggest一個possible explanation. It is possible that the water loss is greater than the water uptake, leading to the guard cells becoming flaccid, and hence the closure of stomata。
杯酒對月2018-04-03 00:33:09
呢題應該al pp有考過
呀肥2018-04-03 00:35:11
唔係,可以連結去DNA fingerprinting,正如上面巴打所講
MrsOzil2018-04-03 00:36:55
啱啱醒起如果要做唔同temp關於enzyme既food test
喺加enzyme之前要分別將個sample同enzyme擺喺特定溫度10分鐘 等佢地適應左個溫度先再mix埋佢地