Because the foot contained the hereditary information i.e. DNA (within nucleus), but not the stalk.
That means "something" other than DNA is in the stalk which contributes to the mixed morphology.
Also, that "something" is short-lived. It is therefore most likely RNA.
但如果以dse程度去理解,好似解釋唔到點解未接觸過B antigen就自動會有anti B antibody﹐除左係placenta接觸過少少媽媽的血 (但如果佢係O型,又解唔通)
呀肥2018-03-30 00:10:25
其實我諗short-lived都唔係重點嚟嘅,你知佢outside nucleus都估到
Specifically答mRNA都應該有分,tRNA就我個人覺得唔算"derived from the foot of species 1",but I am not sure whether tRNA is accepted
呀肥2018-03-30 00:12:56
呀肥2018-03-30 00:15:48
2015Q4c冇叫你解anti A, anti B點嚟
You only need to say that they are present.