2n number意思係somatic cell chromosome number
n係gamete cell chromosome number
所以一個Tetraploid 每set有6條chromosome 嘅生物寫法會係n=12, x=6, 2n = 4x = 24
張英2018-03-23 07:24:53
Tubular secretion 會將excess sodium chloride actively move into collecting duct
張英2018-03-23 07:28:30
張英2018-03-23 07:31:01
不過出錯過程可以係meiosis I
張英2018-03-23 07:32:28
Blood resistance depends on lumen size
Blood pressure will be decreased by blood flowing under blood resistance
Blood velocity is affected by total cross sectional area of blood vessel and blood pressure
學海無涯abcd2018-03-23 09:21:34
仲想請問 Artery 是不是要用另一個logic 諗?Artery 個Lumen size 細,按道理blood resistance 高,但最後係high blood pressure 係因為it is directly bumped by the heart?
知名不具2018-03-23 09:50:49
high blood pressure = the pressure is generated by hearthpump
至於blood resistance, 其實artery同vein都有所以血壓會不停下降