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2017-09-28 04:41:17

下下都要mathematical proof 淨係俾你地Phys maths佬讀得啦


如果唔係maths compu應該好多人揀唔讀

dse core 要玩proof唔會好難,不過耐冇用就會唔記得點prove。我中學連proof都明埋。

Calculus 我都無視哂d proof, 知咩情況做咩但再深入就唔知。坦白講,yr1 d in 你識做真係夠做,佢又唔會問到好深入。讀緊surface integral, multiple integral , div thm etc, d proof 煩左睇都唔想睇,知點用同點做就算。

non math major既話根本冇所謂



dse core以至小學數學既proof根本一d都唔容易


e.g. we have a+b+c = c+b+a
but a-b-c =/= c-b-a
That is, addition and multiplication of real numbers are commutative, but not for subtraction and division. I wonder why.

Commutativity is the property a*b=b*a for any a,b in A and binary operation * on A, so what you should start with is “a+b=b+a but NOT a-b=b-a”.

So first thing first, why would we even consider commutativity? My guess is that commutativity is a special property. For example, finitely generated commutative groups (aka abelian groups) are classified by the fundamental theorem of abelian groups, which is an undergraduate level theorem; on the other hand classification of finite simple groups (where the abelian ones are cyclic of prime order) requires years of work. In short, commutative things tend to behave well.

Second, if commutativity is nice, then why would we consider subtraction and division, which are non-commutative? Because we need to solve equations like “a+x=b” and “ax=b”(for a non-zero). Here another question arises: whether having subtraction and division (by non-zero) makes sense? The answer is, unsurprisingly, yes. To see this we define natural numbers, addition and multiplication using Peano axioms, which turns out to be a commutative monoid under addition, allowing us to construct its Grothendieck group, which is the set of all integers. Now we need to define multiplication on integers by filling the missing part of our multiplication table, which is... easy considering every integer is either a natural number or the negative of a natural number, so we do it with the obvious way. Next we take the quotient field of integers to get the set of all rational numbers. Finally we use the method of Dedekind cut to construct the set of all real numbers. In short, “God made the natural numbers; all else is the work of man.” And subtraction and division (by non-zero) constructed really make sense, that is, can be used to solve “a+x=b” and “ax=b”.

That’s why even though subtraction and division don’t behave well, we still consider them.
2017-09-28 10:12:11
2017-09-28 10:29:12

如果唔係maths compu應該好多人揀唔讀

dse core 要玩proof唔會好難,不過耐冇用就會唔記得點prove。我中學連proof都明埋。

Calculus 我都無視哂d proof, 知咩情況做咩但再深入就唔知。坦白講,yr1 d in 你識做真係夠做,佢又唔會問到好深入。讀緊surface integral, multiple integral , div thm etc, d proof 煩左睇都唔想睇,知點用同點做就算。

non math major既話根本冇所謂



dse core以至小學數學既proof根本一d都唔容易


e.g. we have a+b+c = c+b+a
but a-b-c =/= c-b-a
That is, addition and multiplication of real numbers are commutative, but not for subtraction and division. I wonder why.

Commutativity is the property a*b=b*a for any a,b in A and binary operation * on A, so what you should start with is “a+b=b+a but NOT a-b=b-a”.

So first thing first, why would we even consider commutativity? My guess is that commutativity is a special property. For example, finitely generated commutative groups (aka abelian groups) are classified by the fundamental theorem of abelian groups, which is an undergraduate level theorem; on the other hand classification of finite simple groups (where the abelian ones are cyclic of prime order) requires years of work. In short, commutative things tend to behave well.

Second, if commutativity is nice, then why would we consider subtraction and division, which are non-commutative? Because we need to solve equations like “a+x=b” and “ax=b”(for a non-zero). Here another question arises: whether having subtraction and division (by non-zero) makes sense? The answer is, unsurprisingly, yes. To see this we define natural numbers, addition and multiplication using Peano axioms, which turns out to be a commutative monoid under addition, allowing us to construct its Grothendieck group, which is the set of all integers. Now we need to define multiplication on integers by filling the missing part of our multiplication table, which is... easy considering every integer is either a natural number or the negative of a natural number, so we do it with the obvious way. Next we take the quotient field of integers to get the set of all rational numbers. Finally we use the method of Dedekind cut to construct the set of all real numbers. In short, “God made the natural numbers; all else is the work of man.” And subtraction and division (by non-zero) constructed really make sense, that is, can be used to solve “a+x=b” and “ax=b”.

That’s why even though subtraction and division don’t behave well, we still consider them.

Some ug guy suggests that:

a-b = a+ (-b)
a/b = a x (1/b)

The existence of x such that b+x=0 is just a special case of solving “b+x=a”, and we use -b to denote such x, similarly we can define 1/b for b non-zero.

Now given such special case if we define a-b=a+(-b) then b+x=a implies x=-b+b+x=-b+a=a+(-b) which is by definition a-b. Similarly we can solve bx=a for b non-zero.

In short, we only need additive inverse (-b) and multiplicative inverse (1/b, for b non-zero) to guarantee we can “undo” addition and multiplication.
2017-09-28 14:20:58

有冇高手求救 睇完佢個proof 同google 完都唔明點解 Z+ x Z+ 係countable
2017-09-28 14:43:51
<img src="https://img.eservice-hk.net/upload/2017/09/28/141949_e6005ee141287fb833ea91b0e4a8f2aa.jpg" />

有冇高手求救 睇完佢個proof 同google 完都唔明點解 Z+ x Z+ 係countable

subset of N and N is countable
2017-09-28 19:15:44
<img src="https://img.eservice-hk.net/upload/2017/09/28/141949_e6005ee141287fb833ea91b0e4a8f2aa.jpg" />

有冇高手求救 睇完佢個proof 同google 完都唔明點解 Z+ x Z+ 係countable

2017-09-28 19:28:46
2017-09-28 19:48:37

讀數嘅朋友冇幾可可以show off而又有人理
2017-09-28 23:20:12
2017-09-28 23:29:53
今晚先學完 2派ft
2017-09-28 23:33:04

網上見到呢條唔識計 求教

2017-09-28 23:33:50
網上見到呢條唔識計 求教


好撚耐了 中學成日做 比返哂老師
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞