下下都要mathematical proof 淨係俾你地Phys maths佬讀得啦
如果唔係maths compu應該好多人揀唔讀
dse core 要玩proof唔會好難,不過耐冇用就會唔記得點prove。我中學連proof都明埋。
Calculus 我都無視哂d proof, 知咩情況做咩但再深入就唔知。坦白講,yr1 d in 你識做真係夠做,佢又唔會問到好深入。讀緊surface integral, multiple integral , div thm etc, d proof 煩左睇都唔想睇,知點用同點做就算。
non math major既話根本冇所謂
dse core以至小學數學既proof根本一d都唔容易
e.g. we have a+b+c = c+b+a
but a-b-c =/= c-b-a
That is, addition and multiplication of real numbers are commutative, but not for subtraction and division. I wonder why.
Commutativity is the property a*b=b*a for any a,b in A and binary operation * on A, so what you should start with is “a+b=b+a but NOT a-b=b-a”.
So first thing first, why would we even consider commutativity? My guess is that commutativity is a special property. In short, commutative things tend to behave well.
Second, if commutativity is nice, then why would we consider subtraction and division, which are non-commutative? Because we need to solve equations like “a+x=b” and “ax=b”(for a non-zero). Here another question arises: whether having subtraction and division (by non-zero) makes sense? The answer is, unsurprisingly, yes. In short, “God made the natural numbers; all else is the work of man.” And subtraction and division (by non-zero) constructed really make sense, that is, can be used to solve “a+x=b” and “ax=b”.
That’s why even though subtraction and division don’t behave well, we still consider them.