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2024-11-02 06:10:30
🌳 公園。°
倫敦有將近 50% 的綠地空間。你可以在里奇蒙發現野鹿的蹤跡,還能到漢普斯特德的池塘裡游泳。還可一覽櫻草丘的景色,以及到維多利亞公園參加週末音樂節。
2024-11-02 06:10:41
2024-11-02 06:10:52
2024-11-02 06:11:09
從來未試過喺我哋度嗌美食以外嘅嘢?除咗外賣,你仲可以買齊洗頭水、護膚品等日用品;雞蛋、USDA Prime牛排、西蘭花等新鮮食材、蛋糕,甚至藥妝!從此深夜輕鬆買到杯麵同零食、買廁紙唔洗一抽二掕,令生活過得更輕鬆!
2024-11-02 06:11:30
2024-11-02 23:56:57
2024-11-03 06:52:35
2024-11-04 21:31:03
2024-11-07 20:43:34
2024-11-08 22:37:30
2024-11-09 20:00:14
2024-11-09 20:00:28
✋ Raise your hand if ever you've worked on a big launch, only to have a whole bunch of things change at the last minute.
2024-11-09 20:00:39
No matter how much you plan and prepare, it seems like some campaigns always end up as a scramble to the finish.
2024-11-09 20:00:54
To make your life easier, we're sharing 3 proven tactics that are great not only for Black Friday, but any event or launch. Game on!
2024-11-09 20:01:06
You're down to the wire. Mere minutes until your campaign goes live.
2024-11-09 20:01:17
You get a call from your boss. A change? Now? But that means you'll need to update the short link in your social post, plus update the QR Code you already printed. Is that even possible?
2024-11-09 20:01:28
Wow! You are so clutch.
2024-11-09 20:01:39
You're printing a QR Code for your upcoming campaign, but you don't want anyone to access the content before launch. (And honestly, that page is NOT ready for showtime.)
2024-11-09 20:01:50
Luckily, you know just what to do.
2024-11-09 20:02:02
Then, when you're ready, you simply redirect your QR Code to the actual landing page. Look at you with the high-IQ play!
2024-11-09 20:02:12
While everyone is focused on the launch, you're thinking 3 steps ahead. What will happen when someone clicks your links or scans your QR Codes after the event is over? Will they get an error or outdated info?
2024-11-09 20:02:22
Thanks to your savvy, the only thing they'll get is a seamless experience.
2024-11-09 20:02:33
Because you know you can just redirect your links and QR Codes, pointing them to your newsletter sign-up form to make sure they get all the latest updates from your brand.
2024-11-09 20:02:43
Now that's an MVP move.
2024-11-09 20:03:05
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞