
1001 回覆
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2024-09-20 11:40:58
2024-09-20 12:07:16
2024-09-20 12:46:32
2024-09-20 19:28:54
2024-09-20 19:29:08
2024-09-20 19:35:48
2024-09-20 20:09:20
2024-09-20 21:24:29
Autumn in Japan is an incredible experience.
2024-09-20 21:31:13
2024-09-20 21:31:32
2024-09-20 21:32:25
2024-09-20 21:32:37
隨著季節的變化,是時候去發現幸福的假期了! 無論是令人驚嘆的風景、驚心動魄的冒險,還是充滿活力的城市風光,令人心動的目的地都在等著您!
2024-09-20 21:33:22
2024-09-20 21:33:33
2024-09-20 21:33:49
Looking for a nice meal but in a hurry to catch a flight at Hong Kong International Airport?
2024-09-20 21:34:04
With Alliance Insurance, every policy you choose brings you peace of mind and rewards!
2024-09-20 21:34:36
Last week, singer Katy Perry showed up at an award show sporting a new tattoo...of a QR Code.
2024-09-20 21:35:12
While Katy grabbed the headlines, we're guessing she won't be the last to get a QR tat. Maybe you're even mulling over the idea.
2024-09-20 21:35:22
Look, we're not here to judge your life decisions.
2024-09-20 21:35:53
So while you may be stuck with the ink, you won't be stuck with the link. You could even have a bit of fun changing the link destination to a new location every week or two.
2024-09-20 21:36:05
Another perk?
2024-09-20 21:36:18
You know... this is actually starting to sound kind of awesome.
2024-09-20 21:36:31
brb, gotta go design my next tattoo.
2024-09-20 21:37:22
Do you like Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappe or Haaland?
2024-09-20 21:37:33
Love watching football but no one is with you?
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