
955 回覆
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2024-09-15 17:32:19
This refreshing, golden-hued toner exfoliates and brightens the appearance of skin.
2024-09-15 17:32:31
This moisturiser improves the appearance of uneven skin tone and texture, and makes it feels replenished with 48hr moisture.
2024-09-15 17:33:17
2024-09-15 17:33:54
Reveal softer-looking and healthier-looking skin in a hot moment with our range of heavenly scented body scrubs and yogurts.
2024-09-15 17:34:04
By getting rid of old skin cell build up, you're left with an ultra-smooth base for your yogurt to glide and sink in.
2024-09-15 17:34:17
It absorbs instantly, so you can jump straight out the shower, moisturise and get on with your day.
2024-09-15 20:01:07
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

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2024-09-18 00:03:11
2024-09-18 00:28:56
2024-09-18 08:32:07
2024-09-18 14:36:53
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