加拿大車主討論區 (13)

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2024-10-30 02:42:32
轉三保啦 我撞過加咗四成
2024-10-30 02:47:00
2024-10-30 02:52:15
2024-10-30 03:07:16
2024-10-30 03:14:46
2024-10-30 03:40:16

3- 如果依加先加個保險班 會唔會有咩幫助 同埋對full g係唔係都唔會有咩幫助
It’s worth noting that the drivers training course only nets a new driver these lower premiums for three years. After they’ve completed their full licensing and have accumulated four years of claims-free insurance experience, then they can start seeing continued lower premiums in accordance with their driving history.

2-有冇話保險會加幾多 上網睇有人話加10-15% 有人話加好多 有人話lease既會加多啲 (我個架係二手full pay既

It really depends on a few factors


How much does insurance increase after an at-fault accident?
If you are found to be at fault for an accident, you can expect your insurance rates to increase. The extent of the increase depends on various factors such as:

Your driving record: If you have a clean record, your premiums will likely go up less than if you have an accident or two on your record.
Accident forgiveness: Consider adding this endorsement to protect yourself.
Type of accident: Depending on the type of at-fault accident you were involved in, you may see a higher increase depending on the severity. If you’ve had several at-fault accidents, you may need high-risk insurance coverage going forward.
How long does an at-fault accident affect insurance?
An at-fault accident can impact your insurance rates for up to six years. The claim will be on your record during this time, and providers will adjust your costs accordingly. Here are some examples:

First-time at-fault accident: If you have been a claim- and conviction-free driver for six or more years, your premium may not change. If there is a change, it will likely be small. It will go on your record the first time you have an at-fault accident. It will take six years of claim-free and conviction-free driving to clear your record completely.”
Second at-fault accident within five years: Your insurance premiums may increase due to the accidents. You may be labelled as a high-risk driver depending on the severity and circumstances of the accidents. Clear this from your record; it will take six years of driving claims-free.
2024-10-30 03:46:12
2024-10-30 04:01:40
Min pay都有$3000?
2024-10-30 04:02:17
2024-10-30 04:10:09
2024-10-30 04:33:53
2024-10-30 04:34:54
50/50 is a the same as 100% at fault.
2024-10-30 04:36:21
2024-10-30 04:37:08
2024-10-30 08:40:13
2024-10-30 09:11:46

正常保險嗰邊冇100%確定,唔會隨便同你講你冇at fault喎
2024-10-30 09:34:34

How fault affects you as a driver
As a driver you can be found anywhere from zero to 100 per cent at-fault following an accident. If you are found at-fault, this will be recorded on your insurance record. If you are found to be 50 per cent, or more, at-fault, there is a good chance your premium will go up the next time you renew your policy.

Note that if you lend your vehicle to someone and they are found to be 50 per cent, or more, at-fault for an accident in your vehicle, their accident will go on your record."

What to do if you disagree with your insurance company’s assessment of fault
If you believe your insurance company made an error in settling your claim, ask your claims adjuster which Fault Determination rule was applied in your case. If your insurance company refuses to revise their decision and you still disagree, contact your insurance company’s complaint officer.

2024-10-30 11:11:50
2024-10-30 12:17:57
2024-10-30 12:40:43
試咗網上TD/RBC 未?
呢兩間都開7至8舊嘅話 我覺你搵咩人都平唔多
2024-10-30 12:45:09
網上TD 8舊幾 但啲人不嬲都講TD係最貴嗰啲
2024-10-30 12:52:16
唔係喎 我回流嗰陣 幾個朋友都介紹過相熟保險經紀畀我 佢哋全部叫我先試TD 結果TD平過經紀啲價
2024-10-30 12:53:34
即係你架車有問題 揸架錢七一兩年再算
2024-10-30 12:56:58
又唔一定關架車事嘅 佢都冇提佢本人嘅資料
2024-10-30 14:00:07
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞