[I/A/PC] Marvel Snap 瞬戰超能(54) 水蛭強戰回歸

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好鬼farm 特登收埋D獎勵係conquest

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2024-06-04 23:09:40
### Thanos Stone Updates
We’ve significantly updated the Infinity Stones to revolve around Thanos, as promised in a past patch. Our goal with this complement of changes is to position Thanos in such a way that the deck is less effective at becoming a shell for the strongest ramp-based strategies, as has been common in the past. We want to give Thanos decks their own distinct identity and to better fulfill the fantasy of aligning oneself with the Mad Titan.

We are also aware of concerns that Spider-Ham can be too frustrating a counter to this strategy, as Thanos starts on the left side of the player’s hand. If necessary, we’ll adjust the Ham to a functionality that is less disruptive.
* Sanctuary II – Location Disabled

* Mind Stone
* [**Old**] 2/1 – **On Reveal:** Draw 2 1-Cost cards from your deck.
* [**New**] 2/1 – **On Reveal:** Draw 2 Stones from your deck.
> *Part of this set of changes does mean abandoning design space we’d previously been interested to explore–distributing Infinity Stones with other game pieces. Our internal testing actually discovered that these designs were less exciting to many playtesters than they were to the internal design group, leading to other cards already changing. In fact, Black Swan at one point was summoning random Infinity Stones, but had to change for that very reason. As such, we’re returning Mind Stone to its previous Stone-specific function to better support Thanos.*

* Reality Stone
* [**Old**] 1/1 – **On Reveal:** Transform this location into a new one. Draw a card.
* [**New**] 1/1 – **On Reveal:** Replace this location with a new one.
* Soul Stone
* [**Old**] 1/1 – **Ongoing:** Enemy cards here have -1 Power.
* [**New**] 1/1 – **On Reveal:** Draw a card. Ongoing: Thanos can’t be discarded or destroyed.
> *We’ve kept the cards drawn by all six Stones the same, shuffling a draw from Reality Stone to Soul Stone. This is because we want the Stones that risk having less effect drawing another Stone, and Reality Stone is a strong card on its own merits.*

* Space Stone
* [Old] 1/1 – Next turn, you can move one card to this location. Draw a card.
* [New] 1/1 – On Reveal: Draw a card. Ongoing: Nothing can stop you from playing or moving Thanos.
* Time Stone
* [**Old**] 1/1 – **On Reveal:** Give Thanos -1 Cost next turn. Draw a card.
* [**New**] 1/1 – On Reveal: Give Thanos -1 Cost. Draw a card.
> *We’ve strengthened Time Stone–part of our approach in the first place was to ensure that we weakened the Thanos deck enough to release its grip on the metagame. With that goal achieved, we believe the combination of all of these changes will let us add a bit more strength to Time Stone in particular, so that it’s more satisfying to play.*
## Move Update

As mentioned earlier in the patch notes, we’ve updated card movement made during the “staging” portion of the turn to resolve before any cards reveal. This affects cards like Vision, but has no impact at all on cards like Iron Fist and locations like Bifrost.

We made this change to resolve a number of confusing interactions. First and foremost, this is when the cards visually update already, so it just makes sense to line the resolution up with the game state being represented. Second, this addresses some weirdness unique to Ongoing cards. For technical reasons, Ongoing cards have been built to temporarily turn off when they change locations, in part due to the way these cards can have location-specific abilities and VFX. In the past, you may have heard of some tricky move-based ways to Enchantress a Cosmo, or duck Shang-Chi with Devil Dinosaur–those won’t work anymore.

There will be a handful of other minor impacts to this change. However, a general guideline of “assume player-made moves will happen before everything else” should lead you to the best sequencing for your cards.


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2024-06-04 23:31:58
為左thanos去改spider ham
2024-06-04 23:36:09
我又唔覺Thanos係buff 望落好似仲衰咗
Soul stone space stone nerf 多過buff
玩ongoing Thanos 可能有得諗
2024-06-04 23:37:58
佢講出嚟 但未諗著改 咩意思
2024-06-05 00:00:15
2024-06-05 00:28:52
嗰副女法官 titania profx cannonball redhulk狗到

2024-06-05 01:28:19
Mind stone唔改返1/1點樣玩
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞