
347 回覆
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2023-02-26 00:08:43
animal have no rights. show me a law that says animal have rights.
2023-02-26 00:09:12
唔知呢D文宣係邊個諗出嚟 第一句就咁趕客
2023-02-26 00:09:32
Animal rights mean animal should not be killed for any reason. Why don't we support animal rights? Does that mean you support speciesism?
2023-02-26 00:09:55
2023-02-26 00:10:03
養牛飲奶就要反 隻牛都未出聲 你就幫隻牛出聲
養什麼都話虐待 不如唔好生存
2023-02-26 00:10:35
2023-02-26 00:10:43
i support and encourage positive animal welfare, but not animal rights. they’re different.
2023-02-26 00:10:47
you can support it yourself. it is your problem not mine.

I like eating meat and for each post you make, I will eat more.
2023-02-26 00:10:49
2023-02-26 00:11:13
Laws are made by humans and we are currently having a legal fight for animal rights. You may support our other declaration in IG page
2023-02-26 00:11:41
I will oppose it with my utmost efforts.
2023-02-26 00:12:03
then you support speciesism.
2023-02-26 00:12:30
you think that you are morally more important than other animals. 🤬😡😡😡😡
2023-02-26 00:12:44
yes I do. what are you going to do about it?
2023-02-26 00:12:57
2023-02-26 00:13:17
Ching 幾時去同獅子老虎示威,勸佢地食齋?
2023-02-26 00:13:32
Ok, you answer that and I can shut up. Shame on you, speciesism supporter
2023-02-26 00:13:57
this is theoretically different
2023-02-26 00:13:58
shame on you too.
2023-02-26 00:14:59
Studies increasingly suggest that people who support animal exploitation also tend to endorse racist, sexist, and other prejudicial views, which furthers the beliefs in human supremacy and group dominance to justify systems of inequality and oppression.[
2023-02-26 00:15:22
you are also a sexiest and racist
2023-02-26 00:16:19
disgusting human, piss off. You hate animals and discriminate them
2023-02-26 00:16:59


同common people講環保、走塑根本無意義+無謂,如果破壞環境盒牛奶可以平多兩成,破壞多啲添呀
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