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2022-09-26 00:44:41
2022-09-26 00:45:04
2022-09-26 00:45:57
2022-09-26 00:48:25
2022-09-26 00:49:29
通常買雞牛豬買完分番部分落冰格 慢慢食夠食成個月
2022-09-26 00:49:31
2022-09-26 00:51:08
2022-09-26 00:52:28
2022-09-26 00:52:56
無錯 唔洗緊張 慢慢就慣
2022-09-26 00:52:58
2022-09-26 00:54:40
2022-09-26 00:55:30
慘在無車 香港未甩p
2022-09-26 00:55:40
2022-09-26 00:56:39
住邊頭附近? 等大家一齊brainstorm下
2022-09-26 00:57:08
依部車真係堅 見過有幾個family用
不過見親佢地都唔係用嚟裝餸 佢係用嚟裝兩個小朋友
2022-09-26 00:57:34
2022-09-26 00:58:58
2022-09-26 01:00:13
都抵呀, 上次去vaghan mills見啲裝小朋友嗰啲車仔好似都要比錢租
2022-09-26 01:00:45
暫時未遇過 但係腦海想像緊
2022-09-26 01:02:16

Canada Is Heading For A Hard Landing, Real Estate Prices To Drop 30%: Oxford Econ

SEPTEMBER 22, 2022
Canadians, buckle your seat belt and prepare for a little turbulence in the coming months. Oxford Economics warned investors to prepare for a hard landing for Canada’s economy. The research firm attributes the coming shock to high debt loads, elevated inflation, and rising rates. The resulting shock is forecast to lower home prices around 30% from the peak.

Canadians Should Prepare For A Hard Landing
A hard landing is a recession that happens after a rate adjustment, when trying to calm inflation. This is in contrast to a soft landing, where rates rise but the economy only slows — no recession. Tony Stillo, a director at Oxford Econ, expects a moderate recession to kick off in Q4 2022. He attributes rate hikes, high inflation, and weak global demand for the forecast.

Currently they see a moderate recession within the next six-months. The firm’s models show a contraction of 1.8% peak-to-trough, from Q4 2022 to Q2 2023. A recession of this size would be considered moderate, so we’re past the point of a soft landing or mild rough patch.

Canada’s Supersized Debt To Weigh On The Recovery
Canadian households are too highly indebted to mount a flexible response. Due to supersized debt loads, small increases in interest will add up to a big diversion of income. The firm is forecasting 8.2% of disposable income will be used to carry mortgage payments in Q2 2023, up from 6.5% this year. It’s higher than the 2018-2019 debt cycle, consuming the biggest share of income since 2009.

“Canada’s historically high household debt and housing prices make the economy much more sensitive to interest rates,” said Stillo. “Sharply higher interest rates will cause debt service costs to jump and the significant housing correction already underway to deepen. Additionally, reduced real income due to stubbornly elevated inflation will further squeeze households and prompt cuts to discretionary spending and a period of deleveraging.”

The firm’s calculations show a typical mortgage will rise by an average of $162 (+11.3%) to $1,590/month in Q2 2023. It’s a sharp increase, but the total is lower than the average rent for a 1-bedroom due to inflation. It’s going to be hard for homeowners to get sympathy.

Canadian Real Estate Prices Fell Over 30% From Last Year
Canadian real estate prices are forecast for a steep correction in housing. However, it won’t return home prices back to the pre-2020 prices. “Our forecast for a 30% housing correction returns the benchmark home price to its late-2020 level since it only partially erases the 50% pandemic surge,” Stillo explains.
2022-09-26 01:04:01
2022-09-26 01:08:01
2022-09-26 01:08:45
2022-09-26 01:13:09
photo? 影條鍊俾我睇下, 我可以同你諗下點攪
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