Tuchel, inspired by the work of Wolfgang Schöllhorn in the field of physical development, uses a method called Differential Training. This involves developing practices that force players to think and find new ways of solving problems; and to develop as many solutions for problems as possible. However, rather than simplify the training, Tuchel actually aims to make it more complicated.
This struggle, he believes, leads to enhanced performance and helps players to become more creative, even if his sessions are considered unconventional in some quarters. He sees his role of coach as a position where he can get the best out of his players by constantly challenging them. Players admitted to initially thinking it was strange – until it started to improve them.
之前上任果陣好多分析都講過話杜蛇鍾意train球員嘅應變能力 而唔係一套固定嘅form
衰啲講 就係班球員未有足夠能力解決問題