『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 申請資訊 (28) 離港航班等候區

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2022-04-07 00:51:04
2022-04-07 00:52:10
2022-04-07 01:00:03
2022-04-07 01:03:25
2022-04-07 01:37:26

想BOOK BA運寵物去英國
2022-04-07 01:44:32
2022-04-07 03:35:34
2022-04-07 04:31:46
2022-04-07 05:03:33
2022-04-07 05:59:01
Parent from outside Ireland and UK
If you were born in Ireland on or after 1 January 2005 and neither of your parents were Irish or UK citizens, your entitlement to Irish citizenship by birth depends on your parents’ residence status and history.

One of your parents must have:

Lived in Ireland or Northern Ireland for 3 out of the 4 years before you were born or
Have the right to live in Ireland or Northern Ireland without any restriction on their period of residence

住北愛連續三年或以上都可以拿Irish, 或者你有ILR 子女一出生就係Irish
2022-04-07 07:59:12
2022-04-07 08:17:19
Bno visa 可唔可以stay ireland 3years 轉irish?
2022-04-07 08:51:57
2022-04-07 08:53:35
2022-04-07 11:01:25
唔可以stay Ireland 同拎Irish
有左BC你可以自由係Ireland 做嘢 之後點拎Irish無研究

但係好似上面咁講 生前住滿3年 小朋友就entitle Irish
2022-04-07 11:07:53
2022-04-07 11:23:49
2022-04-07 11:26:07
2022-04-07 11:57:52
2022-04-07 11:59:05
2022-04-07 12:55:23
咁你娘親點走 都無人可跟
2022-04-07 13:20:04
2022-04-07 14:23:17
2022-04-07 14:24:15
2022-04-07 14:51:11
我係英國搵到工 有冇人知而家入紙BNO Visa要等幾耐?新公司肯幫我搞work visa 大概就等2個星期都搞掂 但我落到地又要再自己整過bno visa… 我有offer letter apply bno visa會唔會批得快啲?
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