[CityU] 又一城大討論區 (31) 俾多幾個禮拜sem break 我得唔得

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2022-01-11 17:30:57
2022-01-11 17:45:17
我覺得學校都唔知想點我頭先上面講過話打過學校個熱線問 但個位職員好似好混亂,淨係話學校都係跟政府個氣泡架喳,但再問落去好似佢地都唔sure唔清楚咁
2022-01-11 18:17:41
2022-01-11 19:59:35

Updated Teaching and Learning Arrangements for Semester B 2021/22

In view of the latest development of COVID-19, the University hereby announces the following flexible teaching and learning arrangements for Semester B 2021/22 to be effective from 14 January 2022:

1. Mode of Delivery
All sessions with class size of 40 or below will be delivered face-to-face on campus which shall be augmented with Special Arrangements below if deemed necessary. Sessions with class size of more than 40 will be delivered either in a hybrid mode (i.e. both face-to-face on campus and online) or purely online as determined by the course leaders.

2. Special Arrangements
Students who,
originate from places categorized by the HKSAR Government as Group A (high-risk) and face genuine difficulty entering Hong Kong due to travel restrictions (for example when there are no flights available from their home countries to Hong Kong),
have not received COVID-19 vaccinations,
have individual health concerns,
should seek approval from their home academic units for special arrangements in relation to sessions with class size of 40 or below. Students will be required to provide relevant supporting documents or justifications.

The University will continue to monitor the local public health situation and may have to adjust the teaching and learning arrangements to ensure the health and safety of our staff and students.

The University strictly follows the Government infection control measures. Colleagues and students who come to campus must adhere to Government and University safety and health guidelines.

Christian Wagner
2022-01-11 20:05:37
2022-01-11 20:07:48
2022-01-11 20:19:47
Sessions with class size of more than 40 will be delivered either in a hybrid mode (i.e. both face-to-face on campus and online) or purely online as determined by the course leaders.
2022-01-11 20:22:39
2022-01-11 20:26:09
睇department 未知佢哋點處理
2022-01-11 20:33:00
呢個講緊果堂點安排 同打針入校園兩回事
2022-01-11 20:35:20
2022-01-11 20:36:22
2022-01-11 20:38:01
2022-01-11 20:40:13
Students who,
•originate from places categorized by the HKSAR Government as Group A (high-risk) and face genuine difficulty entering Hong Kong due to travel restrictions (for example when there are no flights available from their home countries to Hong Kong),
have not received COVID-19 vaccinations,
•have individual health concerns,
should seek approval from their home academic units for special arrangements in relation to sessions with class size of 40 or below. Students will be required to provide relevant supporting documents or justifications.

2022-01-11 20:42:21
2022-01-11 20:44:03
佢意思係唔上堂都可能返campus 咪都要打針
2022-01-11 20:47:55
但如果睇佢呢份 黎緊星期五實施嘅話
2022-01-11 20:51:23
上面係Updated Teaching and Learning Arrangements for Semester B 2021/22 關於上堂安排 f2f定online

Pinned嗰份係疫苗氣泡要求 關於入campus要打針
2022-01-11 20:56:19
但個分別係低過40人要f2f,無打針嘅人要自行同學系申請special arrangement,咁咪即係暗示咗可能星期五開始都要打咗針先入到學校?定係同自己學系申請番又可以繼續上堂,但直至2月24號先至強制所有人至少一針?
2022-01-11 20:56:59
2022-01-11 20:59:49

如果你有session below 40要f2f而又冇approval,2月24號起入campus返學就要打針
2022-01-11 21:04:57
同埋佢最新呢個電郵話拎approval,會唔會都係醫生紙證明?因為見到佢好似又唔係好formal,淨係approval,同埋又有個咩individual health concerns,係咪證明到自己有病都當係approval
2022-01-11 21:10:59
第一點應該係 可能幫你轉online或者其他安排 等你就算因為冇打針入唔到campus都可以上堂
Students will be required to provide relevant supporting documents or justifications
但係詳情我上面有講 都係睇department點處理
2022-01-11 21:14:31
明白曬不過佢14號就實行呢個 就算打針都約唔切啦會唔會都可以唔打針照返去上到
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞