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一呆木~ 2021-05-24 09:48:58
歐美樂壇天后Amy 2021-05-24 13:13:53
Check返Record 我點會忽然反Gaga
歐美樂壇天后Amy 2021-05-24 13:18:22
7r 2021-05-24 13:53:02
UK Chart midweek:

Olivia Rodrigo’s “good 4 u” aiming for rise to #1

BTS’ “Butter” aiming for #2 debut
7r 2021-05-24 13:55:39
Biggest first day female album debuts on global Spotify:

#1 folklore 80.6M
#2 thank u, next 70.2M
#3 evermore 67M
#4 SOUR 64M
#5 positions 59M
#6 Lover 55M
#7 Fearless (TV) 50.8M
#8 Chromatica 48M
#10 Sweetener 37M
7r 2021-05-24 13:59:03
Olivia Rodrigo's "good 4 u" remains at #1 on the global Spotify chart with 11.607 million streams, down 4.79%.
7r 2021-05-24 14:00:53
BTS’ “Butter” remains at #2 on the global Spotify chart with 8.85 million streams, down 19.77%.
7r 2021-05-24 14:01:27
Doja Cat has broken the record for most monthly listeners for a female rapper in Spotify history (51.87 million).
7r 2021-05-24 14:04:14
J. Cole’s 'The Off-Season' earns the biggest US streaming debut for any album released this year (325 million). It debut #1 this week with 282K units.

He is the first rapper in history to have his first six solo studio albums reach #1 on the Billboard 200.
7r 2021-05-24 14:07:20
Nicki Minaj’s 'Beam Me Up Scotty' is now the highest debuting female rap mixtape in Billboard 200 history, debuting #2 this week with 80K units.
7r 2021-05-24 14:07:47
P!nk has been presented with the Icon Award at this year’s BBMAs. The youngest artist to ever win.
7r 2021-05-24 14:12:00
BBMAs highlight:

The Weeknd was the most awarded artist this year (10 wins).

Drake is the most awarded artist in BBMAs history.

BTS have won all four awards they were nominated for this year.

Taylor Swift is the female artist with the most wins (25).
E•MO•TION 2021-05-24 15:07:46
係呀,但大部分歐美artists都唔會直接係profile講自己account係畀label manage呀嘛

同埋bighit係有自己平台,但冇追開嘅casual fans搵唔到都冇用㗎,根本而家bts個宣傳模式點睇都似係想吸casual fans,但又對佢哋勁唔友善同埋我講嘅係label packaging唔啱歐美,唔係隊嘢本身唔啱歐美,又唔使咁上綱上綫嘅

純情小妓女 2021-05-24 15:36:26
Olivia Rodrigo點解無端端彈起
有病睇獸醫 2021-05-24 16:56:23
係我個人問你點睇嘅, 本身都冇諗過你肯打咁多字覆我
但係我唔能夠代表所有喺個post度嘅Army, 所以「你哋問我先㗎喎」唔太accurate, 我好奇問你嘅睇法同其他Army認為你對BTS有偏見係兩回事, 亦有唔少Army唔認同我嘅睇法
雖然係同一個fandom但始終係唔同嘅個體, 呢樣亦係我最一開頭個comment想講嘅嘢
Nickiminaj18 2021-05-24 19:51:20
我自己都唔會反感佢地入歐美圈 但個個有唔同諗法都好正常
Peace & Love
wejuststrangers 2021-05-24 21:03:31
啱啊樓上講咗咁多 都係唔鍾意
7r 2021-05-24 22:40:07
Olivia Rodrigo joins Ariana Grande as the only artists to have 2 songs reached 10 million streams in a single day (filtered):

Santa Tell Me: 12,229,331
7 rings: 10,445,538

drivers license: 13,714,177
good 4 u: 12,192,526
E•MO•TION 2021-05-25 00:10:15
7r 2021-05-25 01:11:10
All songs from Olivia Rodrigo’s ‘SOUR’ has never left the top 15 on US Spotify since release (3 consecutive days).
7r 2021-05-25 01:14:27
Global Spotify:

#1(=) good 4 u
10,823,528 (down 6.75%)

#2(=) Butter
7,878,899 (down 11%)
7r 2021-05-25 02:09:38
Billboard Hot 100: #1(new) good 4 u, Olivia Rodrigo.

She is the first artist in history to debut her first three proper singles in the top 10 on the Hot 100.

She becomes the first artist in Hot 100 history to have two #1 debuting singles from a debut album.
7r 2021-05-25 02:12:55
J. Cole debuts a record four songs in the Hot 100’s top 10 simultaneously. He joins Juice WRLD, Lil Wayne and Drake as the only artists in history to do so.

#2 m y . l I f e (feat. 21 Savage & Morray)
#5 a m a r i
#7 p r i d e . i s . t h e . d e v i l (feat. Lil Baby)
#8 9 5 . s o u t h
7r 2021-05-25 02:13:12
This week's Hot 100 includes five top 10 debuts, the most in any single week in chart history.
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