— Four months after “drivers license,” pop’s newest star offers a nimble and lightly chaotic collection of breakup tunes filled with melancholy and mischief.
Biggest single day stream peaks on the Spotify global chart in 2021:
#1 drivers license 13.71m
#2 good 4 u 8.50m
#3 MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) 8.59m
#4 Peaches 8.02m
#5 What's Next 6.86m
wejuststrangers2021-05-21 21:38:45
7r2021-05-21 21:41:43
7r2021-05-22 03:07:34
BTS’ "Butter" has hit a reported 14.87 million streams and counting on Spotify, could break all-time single day record.
CHROMATICA2021-05-22 06:12:28
歐美討論區post咁多bots jm9
7r2021-05-22 11:44:06
Olivia Rodrigo has 6 songs landed in the top 10 of US Apple Music:
1. good 4 u
3. traitor
4. deja vu
5. brutal
7. enough for you
9. 1 step forward, 3 steps back
E•MO•TION2021-05-22 12:08:28
終於聽咗BTS首新歌了,係好聽嘅,但同之前嗰首一樣都好generic下唔係壞事嚟嘅,但睇到twitter班army成日吹到佢哋好特別/與眾不同/not like other pop stars,我仲以為真係咁添[sosaHoney而家已經唔係要扮到not like other pop stars & 走去踩其他pop stars先會畀樂評尊重嘅年代,咁就唔該認咗佢啦,唔好又當又立
E•MO•TION2021-05-22 12:12:47
終於聽咗BTS首新歌了,係好聽嘅,但同之前嗰首一樣都好generic下唔係壞事嚟嘅,但睇到twitter班army成日吹到佢哋好特別/與眾不同/not like other pop stars,我仲以為真係咁添[sosaHoney而家已經唔係要扮到not like other pop stars & 走去踩其他pop stars先會畀樂評尊重嘅年代,咁就唔該認咗佢啦,don't be a hypocrite
有病睇獸醫2021-05-22 12:25:34
加上英文歌佢地參與度冇咁高 有啲fans其實都唔太想佢地出英文歌
真係有興趣想認識佢地嘅音樂嘅話 韓文歌會有趣好多 周圍踩其他artists嗰啲唔好太上心 fan base大自然腦殘多
E•MO•TION2021-05-22 12:50:37
Well,I am a poptimist,所以我覺得整到catchy口水歌都係一種才能嚟,not everyone can do that~雖然佢哋喺呢方面應該都仲有好大進步空間下,暫時呢兩首感覺上比其他人唱都唔會有咩分別Catchy口水歌都要有特點先得,而暫時嗰兩首英文single喺呢方面上呢就...
啊係啦,突然間醒番起我唔鍾意twitter班army仲有個原因,就係佢哋對producers & songwriters嘅態度真係勁差成日好似係首歌畀人讚就衝出嚟幫班成員攞彩,首歌畀人踩就將啲問題推曬落去producers/songwriters到,之前Dynamite又係咁,嗰隻mixtape又係咁,今次Butter嘅樂評應該會唔錯,但我幾肯定佢哋應該唔會走去多謝班producers/songwriters,雖然睇返songwriting credits大概得段rap係啲成員寫嘅我都明嗰班ARMY應該唔代表所有fans,但佢哋知唔知道自己真係好影衰成個fans community
.@ladygaga's 'Born This Way' has re-entered the top 20 on US iTunes.
E•MO•TION2021-05-22 23:41:20
7r2021-05-23 02:36:57
HDD predicted Olivia Rodrigo’s debut album “SOUR” to debut with 195-220K units, the fourth biggest debut this year.
7r2021-05-23 02:59:00
Olivia Rodrigo's "good 4 u" remains at #1 on the global Spotify chart with a new daily high of 12.192 million streams, up 43%.
7r2021-05-23 02:59:24
BTS’ "Butter" debuts at #2 on the global Spotify chart with 11.042 million streams, breaking the record for biggest opening day in the platform’s history.