It is not wrong, in any way, to want to base the Ethos of the American Republic under the ideals of a democratic Land of the Free and defenders of Freedom.
But the question is:
— Are Americans in fact free?
— Is the Freedom that America really swears to defend with strength and fists so "free"?
— Is the American democracy, which US Govt always rejoice to be the "strongest in the world", is in fact Democratic, transparent and "involuble"?
The latest events demonstrate that maybe, just "maybe" is not how the things really are.
Just see how your upcoming government is being inaugurated, dear American reader.
Not even some of the countries whose your government, that is, the US Government, accuse of being "Authoritarian regimes" show that they are so afraid of their own people or need such militarization to give a show of strength to ordinary people, not even in the face of protests or color revolutions, as the US has done on the last week
Maybe it's a prelude to something bigger
Something like a Martial Law